Magicless World

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We've reached world 2, and this one's the Fairy Tail world! And, in all honesty, it's such a similar world to Shield Hero, in terms of magic, and even enemies. And, if you've ever read or watched Fairy Tail, then you've probably guessed what arc i'm doing. It's the Tartaros arc near the tail-end of the series. It's sure to be a good one, especially with my Fairy Tail OC's now in the mix as well. Both Damos and Tetsa, to this day are probably my most powerful OC's other than maybe Ayuma or Cry. But, they won't be the only Fairy Tail OC's to be in this arc. They're both 2 of 7 OC's I've made for my Fairy Tail series, so you can bet the other 5 will appear down the line as well. Now, let's get back into the story! Enjoy!

-POV: Neela-

We were able to successfully travel to this new world without any issue, and already, we were sent into action. We discovered this world was incredibly similar to our own, that being that it's magic based. 

We came into this world near a village which we quickly searched through to try and find some people who'd be willing to aid us in our fight against the demon forces. What we found out though, was that this world has demons of their own, and they're plotting something. 

We met a group of wizards who say they're from a guild known as Fairy Tail and we aided them in their fight against one of these demons, who was known as Jackal. But, thanks to a combination of two of their strongest wizards, as well as Naofumi and Rishia, we were able to defeat Jackal before he could take the lives of anyone. 

And, after some discussing, it was determined that both of our worlds were in the same situation. Under the threat of demons who're trying to eradicate everyone in the world. And because of that, we've agreed to aid each other for our causes. We help Fairy Tail with their fight, then they come and help us with ours. 

Fairy Tail then went on to explain the entire situation to us. Using a crystal ball, we were able to communicate with their guilds master, named Makarov. He was a shorter bald old man. He told us that these demons are from a dark guild called "Tartaros," and they're planning on using a magical weapon called "Face." The demons have been targeting former magic council members because three of them hold keys to activating the magic weapon. 

In terms of what this Face weapon does, it's essentially a bomb that nullifies all magic on the continent permanently. And since these demons use curses, they won't be affected by it. Jackal had briefly mentioned that he was the one who killed all of the current magic council members, but we found out that many former members had already been killed too. Time was running out for us. We had to figure out a way to find and protect these former council members and stop these demons.

"So, what did this Master Makarov say to you? Did he figure out a way of finding these former council members who know how to activate this Face bomb?" Naofumi asked Lucy and Damos. 

"He said he may know a way of finding them. And that's the former chairman of the council. Assuming Tartaros hasn't found him already, of course." Lucy explained to us. 

"Pops has sent two of our strongest wizards to his home already, so for now, we should focus on returning to the guild so we can regroup with everyone and plan our next move." Damos said as we all seemed to agree. 

"I'll go get Natsu and tell him we're heading out." I said as I turned to walk over to him. He was looking up to the sky where Jackal blew up with a very curious look on his face. 

"Hey, Natsu, we're gonna head back to your guild now. You should come too before we leave you behind." I told him but he just kept on looking up. 

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