| Jughead X Reader |

696 14 2

Thanks for the request @trinityvotaw124

Their love was endless and yet the invisible bond that always left them together and craving more.

Jughead and Y/N sat in Pop's drinking milkshakes silently. Instead of sitting across from each other in the booth, as usual, they were on one side and their single milkshake had two straws. It was a perfect date and Y/N couldn't be happier to spend her Friday night here rather than at Archies crazy party where everyone was probably getting in trouble for underage drinking.

Their burgers were hot and delicious though Y/N couldn't lie Jughead tasted better... And even if no one was there she didn't want to display too much affection, after all, it is a restaurant and anyone could walk in at any time... Y/N and Jughead hated the public eye they were both loners.

Loners that were meant to be.

Jugheads hands traveled up and down Y/N's body as he weaved his leg in-between hers. His burger was long forgotten something that only Y/N could do to him. He then contacted his lips to her jawline which left a warm feeling across her skin.

He didn't stop for minutes which felt like hours, and Y/N didn't want to tell him either. Though she was confused as he had never acted this way before. He was never this handsy at least not in public he hated getting stares and the eyes of others... Usually, food was his way of avoiding stares.

"What's gotten into you?" Y/N questioned finally stopping him by place her hand on top of his own. "You're never like this,"

"I felt like it," He shrugged turning away from her and taking a bite of his burger. "I'm... I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable I just-"

"No... No, I wasn't I just thought that you didn't like people to stare,"

"Y/N there is no one here," He laughed wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "So it's not a problem,"

"I now but what if somone-"

"Look if it's such a problem we can take it back to the trailer," He mumbled through a smirk glancing her way only for their eyes to lock.

"Yeah that sounds good," She smiled sliding out of the booth not after taking another sip of the shake.

Pop tate watched as the coupe walked our hand in hand smiling like goofs and this caused his own goofy grin to appear across his face at the sight of the madly in love couple.  For the first time ever their food had been forgotten left on their plates.

"So what are we going to do?" Y/N questioned walking in the small trailer. "I mean we did leave early for some reason-" However before she could say anything else his lips were pushed harshly against hers.

They met perfectly in sync, his lips tasting like vanilla and strawberries hers tasting like cheery chapstick it was perfect. Everything was perfect no one would be here to stop them from doing whatever the hell that they wanted that night.

Jughead and Y/N were madly in love and everyone knew that. Jughead was the poor homeless man from the southside of town and YN was a member of the pretty poisons. They were two perfect souls meant to be... And their lips proves just that.

"You're so beautiful," Jughead mumbled as Y/N threw off his beanie so that she could run her fingers through his hair. "And I'm so glad that I bought you that fucking cherry chapstick,"

"Oh yeah well you don't look too bad yourself," She laughed grinning into their kiss. "And you taste like milkshake,"

"Well, I hope it's good," Suddenly their lips meant against their fingers running through each other's hair and that's when both of their shirts were gone leaving them both in bare skin causing shivers to run down their spines.

"I love you Y/N Y/L/N," He mumbled through a smile.

"I love you too Jughead Jones... I love you too," She reassured grabbing his jaw in her hands as if to get a better look at him. "You're perfect,"

"I know," He mumbled through a grin. "I know," His grin was nothing more than the spark for their love… It was something that was easy to spread to her own lips.

"I bet you do," She laughed their lips meeting again and soon after that it became heater as their hands trailed up and won each other bides everywhere.

Their hands touched all sorts of skin and kisses were shared everywhere. Though this wasn't the first time this was the night that they both remembered the most. It was perfect... No it was more than just perfect it was when their love for one another was shown the most and that's what mattered most to them.

Their love for one another was endless, as soon all of their clothes far gone. Their lips never parted for what felt like years yet was only an hour. And after that, the couch had been slept on. Jugheads arms around Y/N tightly shielding her from leaving him through the night... Shielding her from anything that may come their way.

This had been the perfect way to end their night and they couldn't think of it being any other way... After all, they were madly in love and surely the whole town would know it after this... Because now not only were they inseparable they knew that their love was more than just for the public eye their love was real and that's what matters ed the most and that's what this night had proved.

After that night more like that happened though they weren't ever the same... They were nothing lie the first but they were still just as much as amazing.

The whole town of Riverdale knew that nothing would ever come in-between them… And that there is no way to pull them apart. 

- - - - - -

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed!

HELLO EVERYONE! I am no longer updating this book with fresh content because I feel it is pretty long…

HOWEVER! I will update it with any requests you may have!

SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REQUEST! I will do any and every request with time!!!





Thank y'all so much this book wouldn't be anything with out you fans! :)

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