|Jughead X Reader|

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Thx for the request WriterGirlme

"You're all invited to the Pembrook!" Veronica exclaimed making her way into the student lounge of Riverdale high. 

"Oh Yay!" Jughead mumbled sarcastically... He really didn't like parties, but this time it was something different. 

He had already made plans with Y/N for tonight. 

"Come on... Y/N is invited to, we all know you like her."  Veronica snapped as Jugheads face went pink... Their were a lot of 'ooooh's and yeah's' across the room, causing her to continue. "And it's a sleepover." Wiggling her eyebrows Y/N then walked in sitting next to Jughead. 

"Hey, guys." Tonight was going to be a long night... 

Y/N and Jughead walked through the door seeing everyone already there. 

"Sorry we're late." Y/N whispered quietly. 

"They were to busy making out!" Toni shouted smirking. 

Jughead gave her the 'I thought we were friends you traitor' look. She shrugged looking away. 

"Oh my god, I totally ship it!" Archie exclaimed breaking the silence in his 'girl' voice. 

"OMG me too!" Veronica agreed overdramatically. 

Placing his bags on the floor Jughead walked over sitting next to Archie, trying to forget the things that had just occurred minutes ago. 

"So... Let's play some truth or dare!" Sweet Pea shouted getting a bottle. 

Spinning the bottle then landed on... Veronica. 

"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with... Jughead." Sweet Pea smirked. 

Veronica pulled Jughead to some random closet with force... It was going to be the longest seven minutes of his life. 

- Seven Minutes Later - 

Veronica came out with perfect hair... Jughead not so much. The whole group burst into fits of laughter... Everyone accept Y/N.  

"What's wrong Y/N?" Betty asked getting everyone's attention. 

"Nothing," Y/N lied knowing that it was clearly something, she just didn't know what... Yet. 

"She's SO jelly!" Veronica said laughing. "Don't worry I only messed up his hair... Point proved you like him." Y/N's cheeks went red as Archie turned on a scary movie, turning the attention away from her love life... Thank God. 


It was scary. Everyone in the room was asleep but Y/N, who couldn't seem to keep her eyes closed... At least not after that scary movie, and it didn't help it being pitch black. 

Making her way into the kitchen Y/N jumped in surprise seeing Jughead in there with a glass of water. 

"Geez, you scared me." She mumbled placing a hand on her heart. 

"Sorry I couldn't sleep... I guess it is the same for you." He apologized putting his cup down. '"Yeah," She said, sitting down on a bar stool, they started a conversation. That was until- 

Veronica came in with a loud squeal. 

"Yasss! THE SHIP IS SAILING!" she yelled causing most of the other to walk in sleepily. 

"Y/N just admit your feelings for Jug already," Toni winned looking her straight in the eyes.

"I-I-" Before she could say any more she ran out of the room. with that Jugheads heart broke into a million pieces... Never to be put back together. 

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