| Bughead |

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The tears sting Betty's eyes, as she made way through the hospital's door. The blonde walked as fast as she could... Not wasting a second of time that she could see him. The girlfriend hadn't seen her boyfriend in days and today after school was a must. She couldn't go any longer without him, which is bad because-

"Oh, Betty here to see Jughead again I see." The receptionist smiles.

"Yes," The girl next door whispered giving a sad smile.

"Same room, good luck... I didn't want to tell you this but the doctors have been in and out of his room all day." She told the young girl sadly, causing the heart of the blonde to sink with grief.

Betty thought that the receptionist could hear her heart shatter because she gets up and hugs her. They've known each other for a year now, and they are now quite close. Betty broke the hug, wiping the tears away.

"Hey, it's ok... What I know is that he is a fighter and he'll make it." The older woman explains making Betty say a quick "bye" then turning and running all the way to his room.

Betty knocked lightly on the door, as she could hear a faint "come in". The blonde opened the door seeing her boyfriend. He typed furiously on his computer, pulling down his beanie even more. Never looking up, Betty felt like she was going to cry even more.

"Jug?" She whispered more of a question, he finally looked up hearing her voice.

With bags under his eyes, pulling down his beanie, even more, his eyes showed hurt, and sadness.

"Jug, I don't care about your hair loss... I love you, and only you!" The girlfriend exclaimed sitting on his bed next to him.

One year ago, after Jughead moved in with his foster family they found out that Jughead had stage two cancer. Now at the time, it wasn't bad there were very high chances of him making it.

They were inseparable, everything they did was together. That was until, one day during school. Now, of course, Betty wasn't there yet he told her the whole story. He wasn't feeling well and when he was walking in the hallway he lost feeling in his arms and then his legs and after that... Well, they had told her that his friends saw him fall. Although what really happened was he had gone into anaphylactic shock.

Everyone was so worried, and now Betty is even more as the doctors say his cancer has moved to stage three, which means he's even less likely to make it.

"I don't think I can go on like this, Betty." The beanie-wearing man wept shutting his laptop, looking her in the eyes again... "I just can't."

"Jug, please you can't stop fighting," Betty frantically exclaimed gripping his hand.

"There is nothing for me to fight for, my dad is in jail. Half of my family doesn't care about me, and my new one is spending so much money on me. And you know what, yeah my friends are there, I just can't go on with this... With everything." He explained as tears ran down his cheeks, he pulled off his beanie... Although hair came with it.

"Jughead Jones, I will not allow this to happen, you must fight with everything you've got. You still have a chance to make it... I'm not giving up on you, I love you too much for you to leave me." She cried giving his hand a squeeze.

"Bett's, I just can't." He mumbled sighing. "As much as it pains me, I must stop being a fighter. It's for the best, soon you'll get over me and find someone who actually deserves you."

"Jughead, you deserve me. You can't really mean this." Betty cried making him put his head down. "You said it yourself you're a fighter!"

"Who am I kidding! They just told me today that it's spreading Betty!" He yelled pulling out a photo of us placing it in her soft hand.

His girlfriend's heart stopped, as she looked him in the eye. "It's now stage four, there's no way. I can't fight anymore, I've given it everything." The blonde laid down, as he did the same. Their bodies were close on the small bed, you couldn't slide a piece of paper in between them and that was the way Betty wanted it to stay. As she tried not to think about life without Jughead so of course, she snuggled in his embrace... Trying to take in as much as possible.

"I'm sorry." He whispered hugging her tighter feeling beyond guilty beyond weak.

"It's not your fault Jug, it's just life," She whispered looking up at him. He soon closed the gap in between them soft lips meeting chapped ones.

"I love you." He whispered breaking the kiss.

"I love you too," She mumbled as soon after they fell asleep together... In each other's embrace.


Ten days later, Jughead Jones, The Third had died.

In those ten days, Betty didn't leave Jughead's side. However, when she woke up one day, he didn't wake up with her. Betty was never the same after that day, she was broken. She knew Jughead was in a better place, although she didn't want him there.

After a while, more things came up and in the way, one week later she found out she was pregnant. Soon her mother had found out and sent her to the sisters.

There, she was alone, with no one to save her... Not even her one and only savor Jughead because he was gone and never come back...

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