| Bughead |

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Betty sat uncomfortably on the couch of FP's trailer. She had finally convinced Jughead to meet her there. The blonde hadn't seen him that much in the past months, so of course, she missed him.

The green-eyed girl wished he didn't move in with his foster family on the south side of the tracks although now there's nothing she could do... Now he goes to southside high, so school is even more boring without him.

The girl next door was becoming restless, she'd never been away from her boyfriend so long, missing his company and comfort left her restless. Betty sighed moving to a laying position, she had just gotten over the flu however didn't think it was over just yet...

Her eyes drooped and just as she was about to close them she could hear Jughead stepping into the room.

"Betty?" The raven-haired man asked shaking her a little as she gradually opened her eyes. He was surprised to see the blonde lying on his dad's old worn-out sofa.

"Jughead!" She exclaimed excitingly sitting up with a little groan. She got up from the couch embracing the dark stranger in front of her somone in which she knew to be her boyfriend. He still wore his beanie... And she couldn't help yet feel glad...

"Hey, Betty." He whispered hugging her back. Her hands ran down his leather jacket... His Southside serpents jacket.

"How is everything going... On the South Side?" She asked sitting down with him as he shrugged.

"Good." Is all he got out glancing into her eyes. "Not as good as being here with you though,"

Soon their lips met one another. It was just like the kiss they had months ago that could have lead to something more if they hadn't been interrupted.

The blonde pulled away looking at him, as he picked her up leading them to the backroom, locking the front door on the way. He set the girl next door on the bed looking at her. Then let's just say the rest of the night was a big and happy blur... One to show both of them that their love was never gone.

The raven-haired man woke up, glancing down at the girl laying in his arms. Betty, the girl next door. The love of his life... He softly brushed her blonde curls away from her eyes. Keeping her in his arms yet scooting closer... If that was even possible... The serpent though soon sat up, hearing his phone ring groaning as the blonde simply stirs although she doesn't wake up. Jughead lazily got out of bed, making sure not to wake her grabbing his phone.

"Hello?" He asked annoyed at who would wake them up.

"Jughead, it's Penelope Blossom she is coming for you. Saying that you and your dad are the reason that she still can't get the drive inland." One of the southside serpents Fangs exclaimed on the other line. "Lay low and don't go outside." Before the beanie-wearing man could say something more he hung up. Jughead sighed, walking over to the bed laying down again.

"Everything ok?" Betty asked making him jump... He thought she was asleep.

"I didn't know you were awake you scared me," The serpent chuckled giving her a peck on the lips. "Yes... Well, sort of... People from the south side say that Penelope Blossom is looking for me. I don't know though... I mean she's lost everything because of Cheryl I'm not sure why she's blaming it on me." He mumbled, resting his head on her collarbone.

"Don't worry, I'm here and she's not why would she waste her time looking for you?" She asked running her hands through Jughead's hair.

"You're right," He mumbled as Betty's lips formed the slightest smile.

"Last night was fun." She mumbled wrapping her arms around the raven-haired man's bare chest.

"Yeah, it was... Wasn't it." He told her smirking, she just hit his shoulder.

"Now come on, make me breakfast." She mumbled, laying her head on his chest.

"I will my lady, but first you must get off me," He explained looking down at her.

She steadily moved with her eyes still closed. Jughead got up going to the kitchen going through all the pantries looking for pancake batter when he finally found some. Making that and the only other thing they had was tap water and barely any syrup. He walked in seeing her still asleep. Jughead set the plate down on the bedside table looking at her through a grin.

"Betty your foods ready," He whispered shaking her, and she sluggishly looked up with a pale face.

"Juggie, I don't feel that well." She mumbled putting her head in his lap.

"Betts, it's ok," He mumbled stroking her hair.

She never replied because Jughead glances down only to see her asleep again. He sluggishly laid down to getting comfortable falling asleep to.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

The couple woke up to someone knocking on the door... Jughead sleepily got up only being held back. He turned to see Betty.

"Don't go, I have a bad feeling." She mumbled sitting up.

"Come with me... We'll look out the window to see who it is..." He told her getting up all the way pulling her up with him.

They gradually walked out looking out the window by the door only seeing the one and only, Penelope Blossom. Jughead looked at Betty as she looked at him. He gave her the shh sign as they gradually sank to the floor going behind the couch. The knocking continued and it didn't sound like it was only her doing that. Betty gave the serpent a look then crawled onto his lap. When the knocking finally stopped, they got up. She hugged him and he hugged back.

"Protect me..." Betty mumbled...

"Always," He replied as they kissed, but then the knocking began again...

"I know you're in there." She yelled through the door.

Jughead looked at Betty as she looked at the hand that was when the door burst open.

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