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One Day:

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One Day:

Time, Archie never really worried about time well that was before... Before he realized his time was limited.

The Redheaded man only has one day left to live, one day until they see if his cancer treatment worked... Which was a thirty percent chance. His hope had gradually been drained and now the only thing he has left is his girlfriend and two best friends. His mom and dad are nothing less than depressed. Archie had never seen his mom cry this much, and his dad... He's never been like this before either.

"Hey, Archikins." Her girlfriend whispered walking into the room.

"Hi," His boyfriend whispered strumming his guitar.

This is probably the last time he will ever do this...

"Don't look so sad, you have a chance!" She exclaimed climbing into his bed with him.

"I'm just trying to accept the chances of me dying in a few hours," He murmured putting the guitar aside.

"You can't do that Archie! You must fight, for me, you and this." She cried placing something in his hand.

Veronica thought her boyfriend was stronger than this... She knew deep down he was, however, her boyfriend had been letting his emotions get the best of him.

The boyfriend glanced down confused, that was until his eyes widened in shock... He opened his mouth to speak but the door burst open and there stood his parents and best friends.

"Hey..." He mumbled glancing at Veronica. There was nothing he could do at this point yet have hope...

Such a strong word, it can benefit you or it can't.

"My baby!" His mother exclaimed pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Hey, brother," Jughead murmured plopping onto a chair beside the bed.

Everyone could tell he had been crying... Which was a first for Jughead Jones The Third, and yet wouldn't be the last.

"I can't live like this anymore..." Archie explained breaking his mom's hug. "I don't want to die... I can't leave you guys," He tried to get up, however, his mom ushered him back down into bed.

"Son, your time will come when it's supposed to." His dad explained coming to his side and taking his hand in his.

"But I can't... I'll just cause you pain when I leave." He mumbled looking down as tears came like waterfalls.

"It's ok Arch... There is nothing you can do." Betty whispers sitting next to Jughead taking his hand.

"Yeah, all of our times will come," Veronica mumbled looking at her boyfriend with tears clouding her eyes.

"I don't want it to come... There are so many things I haven't done!"


"Don't Archie me! I have so many dreams and now they're all coming to an end because of this stupid cancer," He yelled sobs once again escaping his lips. He had never cried like this...

It felt like a load of relief.

"Archie, everything will be just fine!" Jughead exclaimed using his best friend's full name instead of his nickname. "Because we're like brothers."

"No, we are brothers," Archie mumbles laughing at that one time in his room. That felt like ages ago...

And soon all those memories would be gone.

Right then the doctor walked in, he had a depressed look on his face.

"It's time." Is all he got out. "Some of you will have to leave."

"Bye, Archie I love you... And remember whatever happens is meant to be," Betty explains hugging the redhead tightly, he tried to let go after a while but she didn't want to. Finally, after hugging for a while, Jughead and he did a bro hug and he left to.

"Time to find out if the treatment had worked..." He mumbled, looking at the doctor as he stuck many wires in his arms.

His parents were hugging in a corner... It felt so good to see them together like that... Again. Although it was only because of what had happened... After everything was over they'd leave and go back to being apart.

"Please fight," Veronica pleaded placing a kiss on my cheek breaking him from his thoughts.

"Always," He reassured pulling her into a kiss.

When the kiss had finally broken after the fireworks went off in his body. He knew he had to fight... Or else, that would be his last kiss with Veronica... Archie can't let that happen.

His eyes started to droop, as his body completely shut down. Archie could hear my parents crying as the doctor told them something and that was when darkness consumed him...



The Redhead slowly opened his eyes to see everyone standing by his sides.

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"The treatment... It worked." His mom exclaimed hugging her son tight.

"What!" He asked, shocked as his eyes widened. "That's amazing!"

"Yeah," Veronica mumbled sitting by her boyfriend's side.

"Well, leave you two alone," Fred mumbles walking out of the room everyone else following him.

"Veronica... How long was I asleep?" Archie asked.

"A month... And I got a check up on the babies." She explains making his heart stop.

"Babies?" He asked confused.

"It's twins." She mumbled, laying down next to her boyfriend.

It was that day that changed his life forever...  

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