| Archie X Reader |

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 "You'll do great!" She exclaimed hugging the red-headed man tightly.

"I don't know Y/N, I'm not feeling too good." He murmured back through a sigh.

Archie had just gotten over the stomach flu, and one of his other teammates has it now so he must fill in.

"I know, but you'll do great!" She reassured again never breaking their embrace. "Now go and make me proud!"

"No kiss..." He asked, sadly as his girlfriend began to walk away.

He pulled her into himself, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend. The kiss was magical, as they never wanted it to end... However, something always comes in the way.

"Andrew's on the field... NOW!" His coach yelled as her boyfriend had been the first to break the kiss.

"Bye," She mumbled never moving from her place.

"See you after." He explained pushing his lips to her cheek.

He sprinted across the field and away from his girlfriend as she went up sitting with their friends on the bleachers.

"You guys are such a cute couple," Betty blurted smiling.

"Yeah, I ship it!" Veronica exclaimed eating her popcorn... That made Y/N very hungry...

"I don't ship it... She's stealing my man!" Jughead mumbled fake crying.

"Nah, you and Betty are a ship... You and Archie are a bromance." Y/N stated simply, as Betty smiled leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I guess you're right... Quit stealing my bro from me!" He yelled over dramatically whilst the friends burst out into fits of laughter.

"GO ARCHIE!" Everyone began to scream as the coach put him on the field. Y/N hugged his jacket tighter around her torso, as it started to rain.

"Oh, no... My popcorn!" Veronica exclaimed thus it was getting soaked.

"Let's go buy you another, I'm hungry anyway," Y/N explained smiling as she nodded.

They walked to the concessions, as she ordered first. After that, Y/N ordered, as they sat under the pavilion.

"Hello, and what can I get for you today?" The guy asked, winking at Y/N.

"I will have a–"

All of a sudden she had been cut off by yelling and screaming and gasps all throughout the crowd... As honestly, this was the loudest she had ever heard the stands.


She then heard screams as Betty jogged over to them.

"It's Archie," She explained never meeting their burning gazes. "He got hurt."

It was like it all happened in slow motion, Y/N running to the field. His coach yelling at the referee, the team in a circle... Their friends crying.

"Archie!" She yelled pushing through the crowd...

There she saw him, laying on the ground. She knelt down quickly not knowing what to do...

"Archie..." She mumbled, as his eyes were half-open.

"Y/–N..." He mumbled his voice cracking.

"Stay with me," She whispered...

Tears snaked down her face stinging her eyes, as it took him long to reply.

"A-Always." He breathed just as his eyes closed.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Y/N yelled now full on crying.

Betty came up and hugged her thus she cried on her shoulder.

"W–What happened t–o hi–m?" She asked the question that was lingering in mind.

"Some guy on the other team cheated, and Archie got hurt because of it," Betty mumbled wiping her tears away.

Just then Jughead came up to them and engulfed Y/N in a hug.

"It's ok, lil sis... Let it out." He mumbled, it automatically made her smile as he called her "lil sis"... No, she is not his sis, they just thought of each other as brother and sister, since they've been friends for so long.

"Don't worry, my brother is strong, he'll be ok," Jughead whispered. As Betty joined in the hug.

Y/N knew that if Jughead was brothers with Archie, that it would make her his brother but we're kind of dating so... Jughead made an exception.

"We should go, to the hospital... And get dry." Betty mumbled after a while.

"Ok." Y/N agreed after a while.

They hopped in her car, as more tears ran down her face. The car ride was silent, questions ran through Y/N's head...

"Please be ok, Archie," She mumbled never knowing if anyone heard her prayer.

"Archie Andrews?" They asked the lady at the front desk.

"He can't be seen now, for more info ask the doctor." She explained pointing at a doctor.

"Doctor... How is Archie Andrews?" Y/N questioned frantically dashing over to him.

"Who might you be?" He asked, turning her way.

"I'm Y/N, Archie's girlfriend and these are his closest friends... Please, how is he?"

"Um– Archie, he's fine... He's got a concussion, oh he also broke his leg..." He trailed off at the end... He wasn't telling them something... "He also tore some ligaments and won't be able to play football anymore." The doctor mumbled giving a sad smile walking away.

More tears came rolling in, Archie's going to be so crushed... And Y/N was going to have to tell him... But how? 

ᖇIᐯEᖇᗪᗩᒪE  OᑎE-SᕼOTS 💋Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora