|Bughead|★ Part Two

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Betty jolted awake in a room that was gloomy and bitter with cold.

"Hello, Elizabeth... It's good to see you awake." The creepy lady mumbled walking through the door clicking on the light.

The room looked very similar to Polly's... Except for this time no window.

"Where is Jughead? What did you do to him?" She asked as the lady got closer Betty spit in her face.

"Is that any way to treat someone who saves you from being alone and scared?" She asked, still inching closer.

"I wouldn't have been alone, Jughead would have stayed with me... Everything would have been fine if you hadn't come." The blonde spat, getting up and making a run for the door.

"WE HAVE A RUNNER!" She yelled thus Betty felt hands grip her arms, yanking her back... Into the place, she was forced to go.

This baby was not a mistake. He or she was a miracle. Whether her mom or that lady likes it, this was true.

Just then Jughead had burst through the front two doors, blood rolling down his cheek. His eyes landed on his girlfriend.

"Juggie!" She squeaked trying to getaway.

He dashed towards her, only to be held back by other guards.

"You can't do this!" He yelled, squirming trying to break free.

It was no use. There was no way either of them could get out of this...

Her optimism was gradually draining as the only thing she could do was have hope.

Hope such a strong word. Betty had such little of it yet just enough.

Jughead screamed in agony as their grip tightened on him causing their fingernails to cut into his flesh.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" She screamed thrashing around only for the same to happen to her.

"We can't hurt patients, but he's not one." Somone from behind her explained she turned around seeing the evil creepy lady.

"Please..." Betty cried.

"Oh please, your not the first one... and definitely not the last." She smirked.

The blonde started to cry.

"Oh save it... Your sister was even more annoying." She chuckled.

With that they dragged her back to the room, Betty getting one last glance at Jughead

It was quiet, as Betty starred up at the ceiling.

Bettys hands over her stomach, as it had already felt a little bit bigger. She smiled at the thought of how this baby would turn out. The blonde hoped they would love detective shows and write... More importantly cheeseburgers. They also had to have Jughead's kindness and bravery... And definitely his eyes-

However, before her thoughts could continue the door burst open...

My mother.

"What do you want?" Betty asked, bitterly... Turning the other way.

"Elizabeth that is no way to talk to your mother!" She exclaimed angerly...

"Why? You locked me in this stupid place... I hate you!" She screamed in return.

She walked closer, raising her hand. The blow took Betty's surprise, thus her mothers hand traveled across her face.

Tears welled in her eyes quicker.

"I thought you of all people would want to handle your mistake better." She mumbled.

"I hate you," Betty repeated.

The only thing she did though was leave the room.

Betty sighed, laying back on the bed. Fingers running across her cheek, as the tears made it burn even more.

There was commotion from the outside Betty quickly becoming terrified. Just about to go and lock the door it burst open and...

Archie stands there.

"Betty!" He exclaimed coming closer to her. "We need to go."

"How did you..." She trailed off.

"Don't ask." He mumbled pulling her out the door.

Once they got outside, he stopped running and looked at her.

"Jugheads in the truck... He knew them was no way of him getting in... especially since they beat him up pretty bad." Archie mumbled pulling out the keys and unlocking the truck.

She got in, the back to see Jug there, laying with his head on the window.

"Betts." He mumbled, glancing up at her.

"Hey Jug," She murmured brushing some hair out of his face.

He looked up at her as they stared at each other until his eyes landed on her cheek.

"Who did that?" He asked, starting to get angry as Archie drove off.

"No one." She lied glancing away.

He scooted closer, his eyes staring into her soul.

"Betts..." He mumbled, interlocking their fingers. "I'm glad you're ok."

"No jug, I'm not ok... My mother locked me in there, random people beat you up we have really no place to go because they'll find us at your dad's trailer... and Jug, I'm so scared." She ranted hands flying up in the air with rage.

Betty tried not to cry although it was already too late, the tears were already coming.

"Oh, Betty." He mumbled, pulling her into a hug.

"It's going to be ok... We'll find somewhere to go." Jug whispered into her hair.

"I would suggest my house but they'll probably look there too," Archie mumbled coming into the conversation. "Jughead needs a doctor but they'll definitely look there too,"

Betty whipped the tears away, there was no doubt that her face looked like a mess, however, he insides were jello.

"Thanks for getting me out of there Archie," Betty mumbled giving him a hug.

"Well, you are my best friend... Stay safe." He whispered going over to Jughead as they bro-hugged.

As Archie drove away, the fear took over.

"Jug? Where do we go now?" She asked looking at him.

"I don't know, let's just go pack our things... Fast, and take my dad's truck and see where it takes us." He mumbled pulling her close to him.

He placed a kiss on her temple and gave a small smile... And that was enough for Betty.

"Ok." She smiled.

Once they had everything in the truck, she grabbed a blanket and made her way to the front seat.

"Everything will be fine..." He assured her giving her hand a squeeze. "We'll just go buy a cheap apartment somewhere... Now get some rest."

"Did that really happen to you guys?" She asked, playing with Betty's hair.

"Yes, that's why you've never met grandma..." She trailed off.

"Then you guys were born, and life became perfect." Jughead smiled, placing a kiss on both of their heads.

"We love you... Good night." 

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