| Varchie |★ Part One

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Oh No!?!

Thx for the idea: suckmaharse

"Road trip!" Veronica cheered leaping into the car.

"Hey, I thought you were driving!" Archie complained through a loud and overdramatic groan.

"No... You said you would." She shot back to her boyfriend Archie turning on the radio.

"I never said that..." He mumbled getting comfortable in the driver's seat anyway.

"Aww it's ok baby Archie, just wait till we get there," She reassured sending a wink his way.

However, they were never going to make it there. That being something that they didn't quite know just yet.

The first stop in their road trip had been a gas station.

Archie filled up the gas... As Veronica went in for snacks. She looked at the beef jerky, seeing her favorite kind. She went to go and grab it, however, an arm wrapped around her... Causing the raven-haired girl to jump out of her skin in terror.

"Archie, I thought you were filling up the car?" She murmured confused hand still over her heart whilst she tried to calm down.

"All done!" He explained picking up a bag of bacon jerky.

They went and paid then left seeing a group of people around their car. Archie pulled Veronica close to him, although then when they saw the couple they scattered... Yet one stayed close by... Simply starring...

"Archie don't," His girlfriend mumbled as he was about to go over to the guy.

He gave Veronica the look hopping in the car... She did too. He grabbed her hand and put the other on the wheel.

"We will be there in a couple of hours." He mumbled, gazing in the mirror once more.

They drove for what felt like days however had been only a few hours. Veronica played on her phone, gradually getting bored. So that was when she fell asleep, gripping Archie's hand... Making sure he was right there beside her.

"Fuck!" Someone yelled as Veronica heard a bunch of weird sounds that couldn't be explained.

She lazily opened her eyes, hand searching for Archie's... Although it didn't seem to be there.

Veronica sat up fast, seeing that it was getting dark outside. She turned her head seeing Archie's door wide open...

"Archie!" She called getting out of the car.

"Here!" He called, from somewhere. Veronica glanced around never seeing him.

He then came from under the truck, his face looking as if he had got hit by a brick.

"What were you doing?" She questioned confused looking at the pretty sunset.

"They cut it..." He mumbled, going back into the car... Punching the steering wheel.

"Archie..." She whispered grabbing his hand stopping him from doing any more damage... "What's going on?"

"They cut it, they cut the gas line... Were all out." He finally explained putting his head on his knees.

"What are we going to do?... We can't walk it's too far, and it's getting dark." She blurted starting to freak out. However, he calmed her.

"We can sleep in the back with the blankets we brought... And we have enough snacks to last us... Until the morning when we figure out what to do." He explained getting out and climbing in the back. He laid out their blankets and the one pillow.

"You can have the pillow." He reassured climbing in and laying down.

"You're my pillow," She explained glancing down blushing.

"Oh." He laughed smiling.

His raven-haired girlfriend climbed in, taking off her shoes. Before she knew it he took off his shirt... Veronica blushed even more.

Veronica turned off the lights, as he locked the car. She became terrified of being in complete darkness. Thinking about those guys... Thinking that they were really the reason for all of this.

"Archie, I'm scared... What if they did the thing on purpose and are coming to look for us!" She blurted becoming more and more terrified by the second. She felt like it was in a scary movie... This can't be happening.

"It's ok we'll leave in the morning and get help..." He reassured looking outside.

"Archie were surrounded by forests... The only way to get help is to follow the road and that's miles." She rambled almost getting up although he pulled her back to him.

His arms wrapped around his girlfriend shielding her from the world.

"Ronnie, it will be ok." He reassured gazing at her in the darkness.

"But what if they come looking for us... They obviously did that for a reason-" She started only to be cut off... By his soft lips, they met with his girlfriends perfectly as they' kiss in sync.

Fireworks went off, as sparks ran throughout her body... As the kiss started to get heated.

"Don't be scared... We'll get through this... Together." He reassured enclosing his big hand around her smaller one.

"I hope so," She murmured laying her head on his chest as his arms encircle around her.

She gradually fell asleep, exhausted from the long day... Not knowing what was going to happen next.

Veronica woke up to sounds, looking around giggling when I saw it was Archie. Him mumbling something that she couldn't quite catch. It was honestly adorable how calm and cute he looked, and how the drool escaped his lips.

Hearing noises from the outside though she had no choice yet to wake him up.

"Did you hear that?" She asked hiding under her blanket.

"Relax, it's probably just an animal... It can't hurt us in here-" He was cut off by one of the windows breaking.

"Stay here I'll go look." He explained getting up grabbing his pocket knife.

"No Archie- Please don't go!" His girlfriend exclaimed pulling him back by the arm... However, he had already opened the door, all she could see was a shadow standing in the darkness.

Veronica's eyes widened in fear, thus she searched for Archie. Then she finally felt someone in the darkness, however, they had a shirt on... This was not Archie. The raven-haired woman screamed as they put their hand over her mouth and sprayed her with something...

Veronica bolted awake searching around her. Then her eyes finally landed on her red-headed boyfriend. Archie, all beaten... Chained to the wall, Veronica leaped up trying to go to him however she couldn't... There was glass in between them... The chains, to tight around her wrists thus she banged on the glass anyways.

He finally glanced up, yelling something although his girlfriend couldn't hear and that was when she saw someone in the reflection... He screamed, trying to get out of the chains... Alas, Veronica chooses not to remember what had happened next...

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