|Varchie & Bughead|

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Veronica and Betty stood behind the stage looking in the mirror getting ready for their speeches. Today was their graduation, and they 
were beyond nervous.

“What if I mess up I mean Jug is out there and my whole family,” Betty blabed with a sigh. “What if he’s then too embarrassed to date me or… or-”

“Bett’s chil it’s going to be ok,” Veronica said cutting her off. “Just like you did at the town meeting.”  Betty nodded trying to calm down. Then her mind trailed  to how Veronica was so calm.

“How are you not nervous?” She questioned as Veronica smiled. 

“Because I I know Archie is out there cheering me on,” She explained with a smirk.

“Oh,” is all Betty got out.

Just as Veronica was called onto the stage a gun shot was heard.

“What the heck was that?”  Betty asked dropping her lip gloss.

“I think it was-” Before anything could escape her glossed lips.

“Everyone will pay for what happened to the south side high!”  Someone shouted… It was indeed the sugar man.

“Shoot!” Betty exclaimed crouching down . “What are we going to do?” 

“I don’t know… Let’s just stay quiet and hope he doesn't come back here,” Ronnie explained as principal weatherbee stood on the stage in shockwas all to be seen from the backstage.

“What about Jug?” Betty whispered trying to get a better look at what was going on.

“What are we going to do?”  Veronica asked looking at Betty. “My phone She exclaimed looking around. “ I gave it to Jughead to hold on to… “ She looked down as silent tears ran down her cheeks.

“MY phone!” Veronica mumbled looking around she then spotted it on the table.

“Yes!” She exclaimed turning it on  and dialing 911. Their were were many voiced heard and then a scream… Not just an scream Veronicas mom’s.

“Mom!” Veronica yelled and before Betty could stop her it was to late… Veronica ran onto the stage not even realizing what she had just done. All eyes turned her way as with  little to none confidence Betty went out after her. Archies eyes widened in fear as as his eyes locked with her’s.

“Well … Well … If it isn’t Hermine's beautiful daughter.” The sugar man said with a smirk as Veronica’s mother was in a death grip.

“Can’t we just sort this out without violence?” Hiram asked slowly standing. The sugar mans smirk grew as he pointed the gun to Hiram's chest.

“Stop!” Veronica yelled holding her hands up.

The sugar mans head shot her way as he now pointed the gun her way.

“I want revenge on the logges and you a love-” Hue cut himself off by pulling the trigger. Before the bullet could hit her Archie ran in front.

“Archie!” Fred yelled as everyone gasped. THe sugar man ran out only to be met by the cops waiting for him.

“Archie n,” Veronica cried as tears snaked down her cheeks. “Today was going to be perfect.” Pulling him into her lap he cried  in pain. ”I love you,” he whispered with his last breath as his eyes drooped closed.

“Archie n…” Veronica mumbled as paramedics took him away as more cops burst through the doors. Veronica broke into sbos as Fred followers after Archie.

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