Blue Things

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“The nymphs taught me how.”

“But nymphs don’t exist.”
“Yes they do — they’re the ones who taught me to swim.”

“But that’s impossible—nymphs don’t exist.”

“They do to exist! I grew up with them.”

“Then they’re just imaginary friends.”

No, they’re real.”

“No, they’re not. Nymphs don’t exist, and magic isn’t real. You’re just pulling a large illusion.”

“Oh no, not the nymphs. They don’t like people magic. They do real magic.”

“But nymphs do. Not. Exist.”

“They do, and I’ll prove it to you!”

“Oh? How?”

“Come to the pond behind my house after the sun goes away, and you’ll see them.”
“Why do they come out only when it’s dark? So that I can’t see that you’re just pulling a trick?”

“No, the nymphs don’t come out in the day because they’re afraid of being seen, you dummy.”

“Don’t call me a ‘dummy,’ young man…! … Alright, I’ll be there at sundown.”


“It’s after seven, where are they?”

“They’re probably hiding because you’re here. C’mon Betsabe, Saumya! I have someone that wants to meet you.”



“… See, nothing. Nymphs don’t exist. It’s just a figment of your imagination. We should get that checked…”

“No, let go of me — Betsabe, Saumya!”

“They’re not —raahgh, what the —someone just dropped a bucket of water on me!”

       \-| we do not carry any human items, you mortal |-/

“Who said that? Where are you?!”

“Saumya! Oh I’m so happy to see you!”


       \-| I’m the one that did it? Yes. Dear child, loosen your hold on me. Thank you |-/

“B-but I thought n-nymphs d-did—”

       \-| didn’t exist? Yes, I’ve noticed. And you are very, terribly, awfully wrong |-/

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