Silver and Gold

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       “There’s no scientific explanation for this.”

       The doctor gave a hopeless shrug to Andy. Her hand was a light, metallic grey. She frowned.

       “What do you mean?”

       “I mean that you’re perfectly healthy, though your hand shouldn’t be that color.”

       It wasn’t just a stain, or paint. The hand just became that silvery color overnight. Its glint was like a mocking smile, taunting her. Because nothing could be done. It was too late for her. The symptoms had already faded, and It was implanted — there was nothing to be done.

+ 3 months later +

“I swear, I didn’t have sex with anyone — not even my husband! Haven’t for a long time. So how could I get pregnant?” Laura sighed and rubbed her stomach as she leaned back in the couch, sipping a cup of coffee. Her friend shrugged.

“Who knows? Have you tried getting an abortion?”

Frowning, the pregnant woman shook her head. “Of course not! Eddie and I have decided we’re keeping the little creature, whether we liked to or not!”

Not that it mattered. The abdomen and surrounding tissue about the uterus was impenetrable. No laser, diamond blade, or simple scalpel could cut through. It was growing, and It wouldn’t stop until It came out from the host.

Laura tugged at her sleeves, hoping to hide the odd silvering color of her back. First the shoulders, and it covered all her back. Not posing a threat. Odd, but not deadly nor dangerous — reports of hundreds of women about the world had been getting silver skin. For now, it was okay and nothing to worry about. Still, it was embarrassing…

+ 6 months later +

“She’s not doing too well.”

Nurses swarmed about the birthing mother, who still yet to deliver her child. It was her first, but her energy was draining quickly.

Weakly, she continued to push and follow every command that was thrown at her. Other than her bulging stomach, Veronica was very frail and thin. Not to mention her pale gray, a near platinum skin tone. She was the first Silverite to be giving birth, and it wasn’t going too well.

Extra nutrients and frequent shocks coursed through her body to keep her alive at all costs. They had only appeared a few months ago. Things were still new to everyone.

Then a small, tired smile pulled at her lips as her heard wailing. Wailing that turned into awful screaming.

And with the cut of the umbilical cord, she died.

Panicking, nurses checked and rechecked the monitors. They spoke to Veronica, if she could hear them and if she was alright. Her life was gone.

No. Stolen. Drained away.

The baby was born with black, shiny skin. The first Silverite child. To the humans, it seemed deformed. An easily made mistake because it didn’t look normal to them. But It wasn’t deformed. It was perfectly fine — just the way It’s designers had created It to look like.

The invasion had begun.

Look out, humanity.

They’re coming.

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