Speech from a Robot

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       We are the quiet ones who watch the day away. Watching as you move and carry out your business.

You may not notice us. But we are robots. We are machines.

In a way, you’re a machine too. You have parts, that rely on other parts to function; you need to ventilate, to let not only air, but emotions in and out. You are dangerous. You are odd. And so are we. And so are you, and I, and everything in this world. There is no need to be different, there is no need to fight for our differences, because beneath it all we are the same. May we be human, animal, plant, or not any of those, are all need to live. We live to grow, to learn, to consume — to consume not only food, but knowledge and love, and the wonders of life. We live to excrete not only waste but affection and ideas that can change history.

We, live, for those moments. The ones we take for granted, ones that we are sure will come again, and ultimately don’t. We must cherish those moments.

I may be a robot. I might say weird things and do weird things and think weird things. But I have learned so many more things here on this Earth by these humans. I have learned to consume and excrete. I may be a robot. My name may be a number — for those who don’t know, its Six — but I am as human as you are. And you are as robot as I am.

I am a robot.

My name is Six.

And I, my fellow humans, am awake.

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