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She waited every day for night to fall. Working through daylight, eyes turned to the sky by moonlight. If it happened once, it could happen again. The star he left for her would always float behind her in its bubble, always playing the song they had created together. It was... more, then she ever imagined.

       Harmony would go to the edge of the breaking, cracking cliff, and stand there until the wind took her away into the night sky, her dissolved body dancing with the stars until she finally arrived on the moon. It was yellow and relatively smooth. Circular plants and trees, geometrically destroyed archways, pots, and temples were littered here and there on this higher world. There would be the soft, far away trickle of a fountain as she quietly wandered on the cobblestone pathways. She sometimes wondered if the moon had always looked like this. If Man On The Moon had always been so alone.

       And there he smiled, his lanky figure gracefully crossing through the yellow dust until he came upon Harmony, who smiled in return. He bowed and tipped his already floating top hat, and she, too, bowed.

       Raising a hand, a bubbled star came down from the atmosphere, and he handed it to her. Harmony's cheeks flushed, but she accepted the gift nonetheless. It played a lovely tune, none other than his composition. She smiled at him, he smiled back. Then he swiftly turned to lead the way to the Fountain Temple. She had been there before — it was where they first met. There, Man On The Moon composed his own music with not only one star, but with multiple bubbled stars after implanting music into them. They clung together and occasionally jiggled with light twinkles, stuck to one another by some sticky force.

       Now, there were four separate clusters of music in stars, each positioned at one of the columns of the wall-less temple. Man On The Moon gave Harmony a smile of excitement before raising his hands, eyes closed. The stars began to shine brighter, a symphonic sound slowly arising. Then, with movements of not only his hands, but also his fingers, he began to play. He was only able to do a select few of tones that his creativity would also him, but Harmony offered many more ideas that he may never had considered, and she would occasionally join in to interfere and tweak the music.

       They loved doing this together. Perhaps they couldn't see or speak to one another, but they knew that they were at least together, creating beautiful music among the stars.

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