[Updated] Little Fool

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“‘Ello there, little… thing!” The Doctor smiled widely, though a small frown tugged at his lips and his forehead creased.

       Rubbing her bright colored eyes, the little girl looked up at the man from her seated position on the floor. A sort of metallic, holly floor that made clingy and clangy noises. He raised an eyebrow and came down to his haunches to get on her level, to get a better look at her. One second, it was only he and Rose, and the next — this little girl appeared.

       “Gold eyes — that’s new, neva’ seen that before. Nice hair, red hair. I like red hair. Always wanted to be a ginger,” the Doctor said, going off on a string of words before catching himself with a chuckle. “Rose, get ova’ here!”

       The child tilted her head in confusion. Who was this man? Where was she? How did she get here?

       The blonde companion came about the TARDIS’s counsel quickly. “Yeah, is somethin’…” She then stopped as she noticed the girl. “And who’s this?” Looking to the Doctor for information, he shrugged and held a hand out to help the stowaway up.

       “Dunno. She sorta just… appeared,” he said after she was on her feet.

       “Can you tell us your name, sweetie?” Rose asked, taking tentative steps to the golden-eyed child, who was yet to be classified as friend or foe.

       She gave a small nod. “Grace…,” she said shyly, fiddling with the end of her dress. Young, perhaps six or seven. Golden eyes, freckles, and a silky mane of fiery red.

       “That’s a lovely name.” Rose smiled. “And how did you get in here?”

       An uncertain shrug. “I-I was practicing my morphing, learning to fly, and I got here…”

       “Flying? All the way into deep space?” The Doctor frowned a little.

       “Wait, so you’re not human?” added Rose.

       Grace didn’t know how to respond. “Can you please take me back to daddy?”

       “Yeah, jus’, hold on…” Taking out his sonic screwdriver, he scanned the girl and awaited analysis as he went about to TARDIS counsel.

       “C’mon little one. We’ll get you back to your daddy.” The blonde smiled, taking one of Grace’s hands. Sitting on one of the TARDIS’s seats, Rose crossed her arms as she leaned back. “So what are you? Not human, right?”

       Grace shook her head ‘no.’ “Shadow.”

       “An alien from another planet?”

       Another shake of her head. Rose’s eyebrows knit together in confusion.

       “Created on Earth,” The Doctor said, as if reading her mind. “These readings are off the charts…” He adjusted his glasses and looked closely at the screen before it crashed. Hitting the monitor in failed attempts to restart it, he looked at Grace.

       “What did you say you were, sweetheart?”

       “A Shadow…,” she replied quietly.

The Doctor thought for a moment, leaning on the counsel as he did so. “Shadow, morphing, flying…” He snapped his fingers, beaming as he made a connection. “A Shadow! You dissolve away, morph, and reappear. Depending on the time of day…?” the Timelord trailed off, his hypothesis denied by a shake of Grace’s head. “No, of course not, that’s stupid! By will, so, you shift into… oh I’ve never met a Shadow before, I don’t really know, but!” He raised a finger in the air, all the while having him pace about with wild hand motions. “You, are… young — seven, nine? — and unstable. Therefore, while your morphing-flying-dissolving process, your molecules and atoms reformed you, right here in the TARDIS!”

       He smiled widely at his deduction, even breathing a little heavily, but Rose and Grace simply stared back at him.

       “I’m going to say yes on that one, Doctor,” Rose said after some time had passed in silence.

       “Well, in that case,” the Doctor put his hands on his knees as he viewed Grace, “let’s get you back to your daddy!” He then flew off like a bird to the TARDIS controls, pulling a few levers and pressing buttons, spinning a sort of device at some point.

       The blue police box shook and trembled in response, Grace holding onto Rose fearfully. The little Shadow creature made small noises, a mix of a whimper and yelp, much like a pup calling to its parents. “Don’t you worry, everything’ll be alright.” The blonde companion held onto the child to keep themselves stable on the bumpy ride until it came to a stop.

       “Here we are! 2021, North Carolina, U-S-A!” Flipping a few switches and glancing at the monitor, the Doctor grinned at the two as he pulled his coat on. “Well, allons-y!” He threw the TARDIS doors open and took a deep breath of the fresh air — they had landed in a forest.

       “C’mon Grace, let’s go find your daddy!” Rose said, the child holding her hand as they ran out. “A forest? Why would the TARDIS bring us here…?” She looked about the area, perplexed.

       “That, my dear Rose, is because Grace lives here,” the Timelord replied as he walked about, turning himself in circles to marvel at the place. His companion still couldn’t make any sense of it.

       “But if she lives here, then-”

       “Rose, you’ve got nothing to fear!” He smiled as he turned about to face forth again. A few feet from him, a rouge wolf bounded forth, pouncing on the Doctor. Its fangs glistened as they were bared, snarling fiercely at the man beneath him. It was quite a heavy beast, and larger than most of its kind.

       Rose shrieked. “Doctor!”

       “Daddy!” Grace grinned widely.

       “Daddy?!” The Doctor craned to his neck to look behind himself as both he and Rose questioned the strange girl.

       Looking up, the wolf set his eyes on the child, and leapt forth. Rose held onto Grace to back away, but she wriggled away with open arms to the wild canine, which shifted into a man that scooped the girl into his arms.

       “I thought I’d never see you again!” he said after a sigh of relief. He had similar red hair and golden eyes as Grace, and wore a casual attire of a t-shirt with jeans.

       “So, you’re Grace’s dad?” Rose asked with a raised eyebrow, eyes wide as she was still in shock of the transformation. The Doctor had gotten back onto his feet and brushed himself off.

       “What a rush! Now that’s what I call an entrance!” The Doctor grinned as Grace’s father eyed them suspiciously, taking cautious steps away.

       “Who are you people? Why did you take my daughter?” he demanded, his pupils drawn to narrow slits of hostile anger. Grace rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms about his neck.

[update yay ! anyways, as i've said before -- pretty please with a cherry on top let me know if i messed up the Doctor and/or Rose ! i've never written as them before, and i'd feel awful if i've soiled them /)3(\]

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