This Place, Here

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       They’ve trained them well.

       What a strange gathering of youths ranging from a fixed set of ages. They are sent off in their own groups depending on their level of intelligence, four groups in total. They are split into two general section of higher and lower knowing. Kept in buildings of never ending doors for seven hours, un-allowed to leave the gated premises until the given time of release.

       They respond to the sound of bells, or certain tones, and they’re filed away to specifically assigned rooms to sit for one hour intervals. That stare quietly at walls, paper, or the Supreme Being at the front of the room; come in, sit, write, ding, leave. This was the routine. Forced to socialize with others of incompatibility, these poor youths suffer the demanding mental work well after being released.

       Males of this strange society are brash and violent, lashing out at any off statement. They are also arrogant children on a campus of well-set adults. Tending to holler or whistle at females, these male youths often make fools of themselves. The females are equally violent, though can be seen as gentle and kind in rare moments. Differing from the males, their rivalries are more destructive. It is also the females that attracts a mate by exposing large amounts of skin; males, oddly enough, slack on their findings of mates. Rest assured, there has been observed polar-opposite behaviors demonstrated in few of these institutions.

       This depicted environment of overbearing demands and high expectations on all levels is known as school.

       Yes, they’ve trained them well.

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