Over the Lines of War

24 1 3

Step on me once — shame on me

Step on me twice — shame on me

Because now I should know how to protect myself

Now I should be able to stay away from things like this

Don’t be so kind, don’t be so lenient

But don’t be too harsh, don’t be too controlling

They see me as I see myself

Not the way I want them to see me

And that’s an issue

That’s a bad thing

Stepped over once, twice, 3 times, 5 times, 9 times

Until I learn

Beaten and bruised and destroyed for a lesson

They act and talk like this but you mustn’t

They do this and say that

But you

You mustn’t

Because that’s bad

Even though it’s normal it’s bad

You can’t be normal nope no normality for you

Step on me for the 51st time

Shame on me

Slap my hand, please, I want to know I did wrong

Punish me your worst, so I’ll do it again

Step on me for the 74th time


For this once

Shame on you

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