[Updatex2] Little Ones

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The morning breeze hovered about grassy plains and wide expansions of flowers, like a mother gently awakening her weary children. Bright sunlight peeked through stubborn clouds, rays of golden light slicing through them, the air having a soft chill to it. Dawn.

       Bluebells, snapdragons, daffodils, periwinkles, orchids, roses; a spectrum of flowers seen as far as the eye can see. Their petals, pinched together before, began to unfurl and open wide, drinking in sunlight. And from them, little pixie persons flew out from them. Some stayed back, stretching and sitting on the petals, greeting the day with a miniature smile.

       Oyvind was the first out, perched on the stem of his flower (a bluebell), letting his wings warm up and let the blood flow regain itself. The little blue creature ran a hand through his long hair, a hue of the darkest blue that was nearly perceived as black. The other bluebell dwellers quickly awoke, as it was in their rambunctious nature to start the day early; more time for fun and games while still getting work done before it became too late.

       The last of the pixies to awaken were the roses, whom woke up later though were quite diligent in their work. Leas was the very last one of the bountiful clad to awaken — his rose has been the last to bloom. Shaking his head to rid himself of sleep, his short hair bobbed about him before settling, magenta wings stretching out. The little pink skinned creature yawned widely, though his mouth quickly shut when something had fluttered inside, eyes wide to the offender. It was Oyvind, who grinned mischievously — he had stuck a finger into the gaping maw.

       Leas frowned lightly and set off, like a child determinedly running after a friend to get even, blue and red streaming behind the two pixies as they flew off. The bluebell pixie laughed with a shake of his head, his delicate feet just gracing over the petals he bounded over. His wings would flutter once in a while to help reach over longer jumps, but preferred not to use them otherwise. Leas, on the other hand, shot forth to block the other’s path, zipping about to foil any plans of escape, Oyvind unable to go anywhere.

       With an unamused look, he raised his hand in surrender.

       The rose pixie waged a finger as he scolded the bluebell. He shrugged and a slight blush crept into his cheeks, the skin tinting a light purple. Lease pushed his shoulder lightheartedly, Oyvind smirking just the slightest as he let his foot slip on the petal he currently stood on, taking a hold of the rose’s forearm to drag him along to the soft ground.

       It was moist, and mud lightly hung onto their skin and wings, miniature streams of water shifting their way through the soil. The bluebell laughed, arms about his sides, as they began to ache. Leas grumbled as he stood, brushing off the mud. He put his hands on his freckled hips (most of his body was freckeld), and softly frowned at the hysterical blue pixie. Oyvind stopped laughing, though, when a big glob of mud splattered onto his face, the rose then beginning to laugh.

       A battle had begun.

       With a smirk, Oyvind gathered a quick though large ball of mud and threw it at Leas. They stared at each other for a second before both pixies began throwing fistfuls of mud at one another. Their battlefield was where tiger lilies were planted — hotheaded warriors lived in those, and protected the expansive haven.  

       Two of the orange skinned pixies flew below the shade of the plants, arrows drawn at the noisy trespassers. Small brown flecks were sprinkled about their chests, black streaking alongside their libs while the yellow nectar of their flowers were used to paint their bodies. Calling out to them in sharp tones, the rose and bluebell ceased throwing mud.

       After a harsh scolding from the female tiger lily of the pair, Oyvind and Leas were escorted back to their respective communities.

       The bluebell smirked just the slightest, waving farewell at the rose, who gave a sheepish smile as response. And the two forbidden friends parted, knowing the next day would be similar as this and the days before.

[i dont care what anyone says/ doesnt say . i had fun writing this because it had no direct dialouge (cant spell for my life...) anyways . thats the end. enjoy]

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