Blue is a Man-Made Color [Continuation]

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-Months Later After the Finding-

I stand in silence, looking out to the people walking left and right. I am in a small room that is the exact size of my body. Only may I cannot leave unless I am told to. Left and right, left and right — the people go left and right. I am left here watching for hours. Slowly, the people stop going left and right. Slowly, there are no more people walking.

       Today was not my day.

       My eyes close and there is darkness. Darkness for hours. When they open, there is a black human before me. She is smiling. “Good morning,” she says as she nods her head. I repeat her.

       Today is my day.

       I follow her wherever she goes. Up the stairs. Down the stairs. In and out of rooms. I see many things as we go. There are many colors, but mainly many blues. So many pretty blues. I have not seen these colors before from my small room. Everything there is grey and green. Except the humans, they are different colors, but they are not blue or grey or green. The black human leads me to a door with a, “Three,” sided shape on it.

       She looks at me with lips pulled back. “Three — it’s a triangle.”

       I touch the shape. “Triangle.”

       Then the door opens and we enter.

       There is a man sitting at a very big rectangle. His eyes are small. He looks at us.

       “Hello, One. How are you today?” he asks me. My name is, “One.”

       “I am functioning properly. I am what I was yesterday.”

       His hands, “Two,” come together as he looks at me. “And what were you yesterday?”

       I look down. I look down at my feet. They aren’t peach, like I remember. They have what humans call ‘shoes,’ but I do not like them. They are not of the desert. They are not me. “I am… awake. I am awake every day.” I look up. The man is smiling. He stands and nods and claps.

       “That was a very good description, One.” Then he puts his hands behind his back.

       I raise a hand. “One. One… uncertain statement.”

       His eyebrow raises. “A question?” I nod.

       “Blue. Blue is not real, is it?”

       Now his lips turn down.

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