Garden of Shadows

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       “What are we even doing here?” Allie asked in a small whine, her slippers and the ends of her pajama bottoms caked in mud.

       “You saw what I saw, didn’t you?” Her brother, Derik, looked over his shoulder to see her as he pushed away some brush before him. Allie nodded. “Then we’re going to see what it is,” he said.

       “But it’s so late, and I’m so tired…” She yawned just then. “And mama and papa’ll get mad if they notice we’re gone.”

       “Allie be quiet!” Derik said in a hushed tone, adding an annoyed glace to shut up his three-years-younger sister. A plot of land was laid out before them, the fencing about it gothic and giving the two an uneasy feeling.

       “Derik, let’s go,” Allie persisted, tugging at her brother’s arm. He shook his head.

       “Not until we find out what fell out from the sky.” He walked up to the main gate, which was unlocked, and opened it. It set off a crackling creak of a sound that startled Allie, who followed in after Derik and remained by his side.

       It was as if they were in a cliché horror film or novel; the moon was perfectly partially covered by grey clouds, every sound heard caused them to jump, and anything could happen at any time. The siblings walked carefully about the area — it was seemingly empty, said for a small chest right in the center of it all.

       Derik looked around a little, as if checking to make sure no one was looking, and crouched to open to box. Allie looked over his shoulder. Her eyes widened.

       Color. There was color inside of the chest.

Carefully, he dipped his fingers into the sparkling substance, and his fingertips were no longer a dulled out grey, but a lively, healthy shade of fleshy pink.

“How much do you think is in there?” Allie asked, examining his fingers. With only a small dose applied, the color eventually faded and left him colorless once more.

“I don’t know. Maybe enough to color two people? Even color one person permanently?” He shrugged. The two then cringed in freight at a ‘thump’ on the land. It was another chest, larger this time.

“I’ll open this one,” Allie said eagerly, throwing the top open, but frowned after seeing its contents. This chest was not filled with color, but a chest of glowing white wisps that moved on their own account. One of them shot forth and struck her. “Allie!” Derik leapt to her side, but she was laughing and smiling; she wasn’t hurt.

“Emotion! Love, laugher, enjoyment!” she exclaimed with a small hop of glee. “Oh, enough for the whole town, Derik, for them all to have a jolly time for a day!” Her intense happiness soon faded away as well, just as the color, but a small smile still hung on her lips.

[sorry for the totall disconnection to the title, but it makes more sense if i were to write more xD  comment if reading the word 'yawn' made you actually yawn :P ]

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