Number 414

16 0 0

       We’ve been in war for 72 days now, each day marked by the release of a red balloon. We’ve infiltrated multiple corporations and have been shutting down their programs; mainly the pencil, paper, and food industries. Today we are doing the same. They never seem to be prepared, always weaponless and pleasing for mercy. Tatiana liked to do away with at least one to instill fear and force them to listen.

       We are taking over the Cancelled little by little, attacking its different buildings slowly but steadily.

       Mo punched in a serious of codes at each door as we ventured through our new prize, seeing what spoils laid within. And by spoils, we don’t mean treasures or money, but facts and truth to use against Felix — pretty nerdy and weak, I know. But what else as there to use against a powerful man that help onto a thick string of lies?

       The building was dark and seemingly deserted. I guessed the workers had left, knowing there was danger coming their way, and have conveniently left their living experiments here for us; they probably thought we’d kill them off. Which, by the way, we don’t. Mo and Tatiana held onto flashlights to shine at small areas, the beams bouncing about the walls as I carried a gun, just in case. We were careful, silent, the sound of our footsteps echoing through the expansive room. There were tables and beds, large lumps under the sheets that we dared not look under — we already knew what they were. The Canceled was set up in three different sections, each with its own disgusting experiments and operations taking place. This section had the ‘Engineering’ title, but that was too simple, too innocent.

       Tatiana found a working light switch, flicking it on. The fluorescent lights steadily came to life, a generator turning on as well to power the multiple machines. Pairs of beds and tables lines the walls and were laid throughout the room with precise organization, one table for each bed of similar length. There was a large door that read STORAGE and a wide box chute beside it that read DISPOSAL.

       I frowned a bit, opening the chute before recoiling away from it. It smelled awful. It smelled of death. “Close that thing up,” Tatiana hissed with a sneer, her pearly whites glistening in contrast to her dark skin. “I can smell that from here.” I did as told as Mo ambled over next to be, smiling at the door. He chuckled at me and opened it, revealing a large chamber that help white robots. Well, not entirely white, but mostly a silvery grey while the main limbs — arms, legs, and head — where a lucid white.

{ imma continue dis tomorrow /)3(\ POV of Kaleb from my w.i.p 'The Color 'Alone'". this will later explain what happens to Sammantha from the last few lines of the last paragraph }

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