Confess All

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{ mini Kingdom Hearts fanfic for 8/13/14 :3 }

The two of lesser status stared at the man, dumbfounded and astonished at his words.

       He simply stared back, acidic green eyes angrily hurting.

       “I didn’t mean — didn’t, want — for any of this to happen…” he said, lowering his eyes. He shook his spiked, red haired head. From his gloved hands, a black essence circled them before forming twin chakrams.

       Number XIII and XIV gasped, Xion taking a step back while Roxas took a protective step forward.

       “C-c’mon Axel, this isn’t like you. Cut it out,” Roxas said, clenching a fist. The blond narrowed his crystal blue eyes at his older friend. He shook his head.

       “Can’t. I just need Xion for Saiix and Xemnas — that’s all,” Axel said, they pyro trying to explain his dangerous situation. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” With that, Number VIII prepared himself, the pointed spikes of his weapon ready.

       In a bright flash, Roxas had summoned his Keyblade. “There’s no you’re taking Xion to those liars!”

       The raven haired girl widened her eyes—two of her best friends, her only friends, were about to fight. Only because her service was needed. Either way, it would end badly.

       “Stop!” she cried out as she stepped between them, switching glances between the light bearer and the pyromaniac.

       Axel’s flames about his hand dimmed a little before being put out.

       “You two are friends! This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be!”

       Narrowing his eyes as a sneer curled onto his lips, the heat within Number VIII was building.

       “Not how it’s supposed to be?” he growled. “We’re not meant to exist! None of us are supposed to exist!”

       Xion flinched a bit at the outburst, Roxas lessening his grip on his weapon.

       “Trapped in everlasting darkness, with only the faintest of light — there’s a reason why we’re called Nobodys!”

       “Capital ‘n’…” Roxas corrected in a quiet murmur.

       “You two…” Axel continued with a shake of his head. “You two think you can do whatever you want. Well I’m sick of it…” Spinning his chakrams, they glowed a soft heated red—Number XIII and XIV became cautious. “Go on, keep on running! But I’ll always be here to being you back!” The pyromaniac then flung his weapons worth, both deflected and brought back to his hands.

       ‘So this is Axel,’ thought Roxas. ‘The Organization. It’s, more important than Xion and I.’

       Battle waging between a trio of friends, Axel held none of his strength back. The light bearers were no match for the higher ranked, and Roxas was later far too weak to keep fighting.

       “So this is the real Axel… this is the truth…’

       With a final, heavy blow, Xion became unconscious and was slung over Number VIII’s back.

       He looked to the weakened blond, who laid there weakly, for some time before opening a dark corridor to return to the Castle.

       “I’m sorry.”

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