Already Over

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       My fists were bloody, the skin of my knuckles torn. Blood began to dry under my nails and into the cracks of my skin as I threw another and another punch, beating away. This man, my first victim, raised his arms to shield himself, shouting for help. Tears streamed down my cheeks, mingled with the blood splattered on my face, my hair a tangled mess that stuck to my face. I picked up the house knife I had been using earlier, slashing at his chest, and as he turned to protect himself, stabbed his back.

       “Linda!” he cried out, hands reaching out to stop me, but I didn’t want to stop, I couldn’t stop.

       Mom screamed as she found what it was up to, rushing over to stop me. My body shut itself off as I felt her pull me away. She wanted to go and help the man, but I clutched onto her, transferring his wet red stains onto her. He wasn’t my dad. I would never call him that. He was never my dad.

       “Mama no, mama please, stay!” I hiccupped out, swallowing mucus buildup from my crying, sniffling hard multiple times as I tried to breathe through chocking sobs. She placed a trembling, gentle hand on my head as she glanced from me to my one and only victim. Mom then dialed for an ambulance and the police, shaking her head and saying, “I’m so sorry, my love,” over and over again. I didn’t know if she meant me or my not-dad. I held tightly onto her, pained to be crying so much. I was too much, too much…

       After what felt like only a few minutes later, a pair of stronger hands pried me away from mom. I struggled and kicked and screamed, thrashing for them to release me. The cold December air as they dragged me out of the house stung my skin, numbing me, but there was a strong fire in me that blazed. And they just tossed gasoline onto it — never separate young form its mother.

       “Miss, take a hold of yourself. Miss, listen!” No, you can’t make me! MY LIFE HAS BEEN A MESS AND NOW IM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

       “It’s his fault, it’s all his fault!” I screamed, pointing stiffly back to the house as they shoved me into the back of a police car after clamping my wrists together. The red, blue, and white lights danced about the surrounding houses; I could see a few of my neighbors looking past drawn curtains. What did they think of me? That I was crazy? Insane? It was most likely the latter. Because after you’ve kept a secret as long as I did, and as horrible, you go a little mad.

       I stared out the window, too tired and weak to cry and fight anymore as we pulled away from the house. I could see my not-dad on a stretcher while they loaded him into the back of the ambulance, mom following in after him. Him. She chose him over me. If she knew what he had done, would she still go with him?

       Closing my eyes, I sighed heavily, head pounding. I was getting arrested. I was getting arrested for almost killing a man. A man I knew fairly well. I knew, fairly well, that I hated him. This all was bad, but I smiled just the slightest against the cold glass window — at least I was getting away from him, and this time, he could do nothing about it.

{ was listening to 'Already Over' parts 1 and 2 by Red whislt writing this, so xD also i finally downloaded all of their songs, yay /)3(\ }

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