Castle in the Forest

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       The palace was white and quiet. Other than her own steps — silence. Odette crept up the spiraled staircase, looking out the occasional window she passed by. What is this place? Until she had found the castle, there had been nothing but forest. Well, enchanted forest. She had assumed no humans lived here, because forests of any kind were left to the animals.

       But for there to be a castle…

       “Who goes there?” a gentle, airy voice called out at Odette finally reached the top floor, and jumped slightly at the sudden voice that now commanded her. She remained quiet, hand on the pommel of her sheathed sword, breath held.

       The voice called again.

       “… Hello? Father, is that you?”

       Then she heard footsteps.

       Odette’s chest tightened with indecision. If she stayed, she’d be caught. If she left, she would never know who this person was or what this place was for. What if this was the enemy? The person behind the war?

       “Is anyone t-”

       At the last moment, she pulled her sword out and held the tip of it to the throat of her threat. It was a young woman, perhaps the same age as she. The woman’s pale completion became even whiter, crystal blue eyes widening in fear, dainty hands rising defensively. She may have been a little taller than Odette by an inch or two, but was slimmer and far more fragile. A princess, the crown that framed her heart-shaped face suggested.

       “P-please, d-don’t hurt me…,” she said through small, trembling lips. Her nose was low and small, eyes set apart oddly… Somehow, Odette senses that she’s seen her before.

       “What’s your name? Ranking? Why do you live here?” she demanded, her own eyes narrowed at the other. “Talk. Or else.”

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