Looking Back

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Vidia glanced to her sister, who raised an eyebrow to the interviewer. “Our history?” she asked.

       The interviewer quickly shook his head. “No, no, no; just your childhood,” he clarified, a nervous sort of smile parting his lips.

       “Well, Vidia knows more about this than I, so it would be best to question her,” Vanessa said, looking to Vidia. She grinned, a wild look in her black eyes.

       “Alright.” The interviewer nodded, pen poised to write.

       “We were created in the Realm of Darkness, by darkness. Our first form was… mist, as I recall it. After a century or two, we had true form; beings of white with red markings.”

“Oh, I did enjoy that form, I must say!” Vanessa said with a wide smile.

Vidia nodded. “Yes, as did I.” She took a moment to gather her thoughts and continue. “Ah yes — first form. This was the first time we were ever really able to do anything. We had limbs, we had bodies, we had powers. And so we created creatures that you humans later called dinosaurs.”

       “Wait a minute, so you mean to tell me that you created the dinosaurs? But that’s millions of years ago!” The interviewer stared at the twins wide-eyed. “That means…”

       “That means we are millions of years old, yes,” Vanessa said with a small nod, finishing the man’s thought. “If you ask for our childhood, it is that — creation and destruction.”

       Vidia sighed happily at the memories. “I was destruction, and Vanessa was creation. Oh, contradictions born from sameness.”

       “Remember when I created the first from of a human? My rough draft?” Vanessa asked with a wide grin, her sister nodding in eager response.

       “Most certainly so! I destroyed that strange little thing because, well, I thought it looked so absurd, and knew it wouldn’t survive anyways. Also, because… I was jealous that you created such beautiful things…”

       “Oh?” Vanessa’s eyebrows rose. “I was jealous of you because I didn’t fulfill my purpose as a Daughter of Darkness — you, always devious, and someone I could never amount to.”

       Vidia smiled a little. Perhaps, even if the two sisters were opposites, they still loved each other.

       “That was our childhood—creation, destruction, and jealousy. Just like any other sibling relationship should be.”

       The interview hurried to get ever last word they had said, his hand aching a few minutes later. He sighed when finished and smiled gratefully at the two.

       “Thank you, that is all.”

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