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What kind of potatoes do you enjoy?

What kind of question is that?

What is a question without some randomness?

What is randomness without some questions?

Why isn’t science also labeled as ‘randomness’?

What if randomness is secretly science?

Does that mean that randomness defines life, as science defines life?

Does science define death?

Does death defy science?

Does science defy death?

Does defiance define both science and death?

Is defiance death?

Is death in the soul defined by mortal defiance?

Do Doctors hoo?

Did Horton hear a hoo?

Did Rose, too?

What was it he had to do? Did he mean to say, “I love you”?

Are we Dr. Seuss?

We don’t we buy a pair of shoes?

Why not buy a hat?

Aren’t hats but machines to destroy hair?

Aren’t hats a portal to another world?

If hats were portals, wouldn’t we be in a different world by now?

Who’s to say we’re not in that world?

Who else, but Horton?

Are you bovvered?

What is the definition of that term?

Do you not understand my references?

Aren’t I too young to understand your Fandom-lish things?


Did you miss me?

Who the hell are you? Who the hell is Bucky?

Could you believe I’m Satan?

Why would I believe such devilish things?

Prince Ali, were could he be?

Why don’t you open your eyes and recognize that this is real?

When did you last let our heart decide?

Have you never had a friend like me?

Why would I want a friend like you?

Why wouldn’t you want a friend like me?

Where’s Moose?

The moose in my hair? Or the moose over there?

Where’s the Moose and the Squirrel?

When will they end twirling?

Why pickle peanut butter?

Yo? (that is actually a physics term that sounds like ‘why not?’)

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