Covert Missions

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       “You can’t possibly expect this to actually work…”

       “I can at least try, can’t I?”

       The Nobody let out a small huff, looking down to her dog, who perked up a bit at the attention she was now getting, tail beginning to wag. Rosalyn was having yet another conversation with herself, both minds arguing over what was happening. Drugged for comatose sleep, a man reclined on the elevated experimenting table, wires on his head and chest. In a small cage further away resided the basic Heartless, a Shadow. The dog was sure that it wouldn’t escape, occasionally growling or giving a bark to spook the creature into staying in place.

       Rosalyn crossed her arms, looking over the procedure, sighed, then began her work, she pulled a pair of thick rubber gloves, carefully taking the Shadow from its cage. I thrashed and kicked and clawed, but the Nobody was able to move it about so that neither of them would get harmed. The Heartless was then able to sense the human’s slowly beating heart, beginning to target its attacks in that direction. Heart… heart… heart… Heart! Heart! Heart!

       Seeing the change of behavior, the Nobody then shoved the Shadow forth onto the human’s chest, where the creature then began to slash away flesh.

       There are always two hearts inside of people. The beating organ that did its functional job. And the pink, plush shape that withheld the memories and emotions within. The only problem was that the Pink Plush was within Organ.

       Still clawing away, the Heartless cut through the now quickly pumping, frightened heart, which shied away from sharp, dark hands. Then it was slashed open, and out floated the Plush. It didn’t rise for long until the Heartless snatched it from the open air. The Shadow held the valuable object close to its own chest, as if cuddling and cherishing it for a moment, before it then consumed it.

       Satisfied for only a fraction of a second, the creature then turned its attention back to Rosalyn, who kept herself at arm’s length. She put it back in its cage, dog guarding it for the meantime.

       The Nobody checked the monitors on the human, who now would occasionally shudder and convulse. Their torn flesh slowly patched itself. Signs were normal. No pulse. Low brain activity. Heart consumed. All seemed normal. It was only a matter of time. Only a matter of time until she had accomplished her mission: to forcefully create a Nobody.

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