Night Fury followed the Rogue Rider to a seat by an ice pillar and the fireplace, a cozy fire crackling in the hearth. Night Fury politely refused when she offered him a seat, preferring to stand and lean by the pillar.

Rogue Rider took a seat on one of the couches, placing her staff down. Then a Valhalla warrior walked towards them, holding a tray filled with drinks and assorted snacks.

"Welcome back, Va- I mean, Rider." The warrior greeted, presenting the tray.

Rogue Rider took a mug of mead, and a muffin, "Thank you, Krista. I hope that everything ran smoothly when I was gone?"

"Yes, Rider. Though, Gruff and Lump have been disturbing the others in their training. But other than that, everything's fine." She replied with a smile.

"Well done, lass. Thank you." Rogue Rider nodded.

Krista nodded at her with a smile then walked over to Night Fury, and offered her tray.

"You should've remembered that I don't eat sweets. But I guess I'll take a beer" Night Fury said as he grabbed a Heineken bottle. "Glad to see you again, Krista."

Krista blushed, as she tucked a strand of her caramel brown hair behind her ear. "Y- You too, Fury. Anyways, I- I'll get going now. Bye! And good luck!"

She then walked away, with a slight sway of her hips. But Night Fury took no notice of it as he popped open the bottle and took a swig of his beer using a small opening on his mask.

Rogue Rider sighed, "How can you be so smart but so dense and oblivious at the same time?"

Night Fury made a confused face as he placed down the bottle, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. So, what's this thing about Drago?"

"To keep it short, Drago attacked us during the graduation of our recruits. We immediately launched a major operation as to attack Drago's fortress. As of right now, the mission has already begun." Night Fury summarized calmly, taking another sip on his beer.

"Why did you attack right away?" Rogue Rider exclaimed.

"It's either we attack first, or let them massacre us. I don't know about you, but seeing Drakos fall apart doesn't really make me celebrate and dance the cha cha." Night Fury sassed as he took another swig of his beer, finishing the entire bottle.

"This isn't a game, Night Fury. Drago is a madman with too much power in his hands. He'll destroy you!" She said, standing up now.

"If I don't act now, he'll continue to attack us until we're reduced to rubble. I'm trying to save Drakos." Night Fury retorted.

Rogue Rider huffed, "You are leading your men to their deaths, that's what you're doing!"

"We lost 93 agents in Drago's attack! One of them being my former student. Shatter is in critical condition! I will not stand by and watch Drakos die!" His tone venomous and his posture straightens viper-sharp, almost as if ready to strike.

Rogue Rider blinked, and sighed. She sat back down to her seat, placing her hand over her mask. "But you're still outnumbered, Fury."

Night Fury deadpanned. "That's why I'm here, Valka. I know you want revenge, and this is your chance."

Rogue Rider froze and widened her eyes, "H- How do you know my name?"

Night Fury let out an exasperated sigh as he clasp his hand over his mask. He then unlocked the strap with s click, and separated the mask from his face, along with his hood. Under Rogue Rider's mask, her eyes only grew wider as Night Fury revealed his face.

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