peach | two

575 20 1

you felt your ears twitch as you watched hongjoong fill out adoption forms right next to you. at first you thought he was just pretending, not believing him but here he was really going through with what he said.

you took in his appearance and had to admit that he was a very handsome man. his faded red hair matched his fruity scent, strawberries maybe? his voice was also soft and gently as to not make you uncomfortable, and you admired him for trying his best to make you comfortable around him.

he asked you some questions as he did the paperwork and you would answer them quietly so only he heard.

"how old are you?"

"i'm twenty. i turn twenty-one in the summer," you answer.

"yunho is also twenty. he's turning twenty-one in march. i'm a year older than you both," he says proudly and with a large smile.

"are you sure your yunho won't mind me?" you ask for probably the hundredth time since hongjoong told you about the dog-hybrid.

"i'm sure. yunho love meeting new people and i know he'll absolutely adore you," he says gently bopping your nose. "alright! that was the last document!" he says standing up with smile as he hands the paperwork back to minnie who had been watching the two of you.

minnie the typed some stuff onto the computer before looking at you both with a smile. "all done! congratulations y/n on being adopted. you're in good hand with hongjoong," she says and you nod your head and thank her.

"let's go home, so you can meet yunho!" he says taking your hand and leading you out of the shelter to his car. you watched him with a small smile finding his excitement to be contagious.

sure he's not the hybrid here? you think to yourself as you get in the car before watching him get in.

the ride home was one filled with silence, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. more of a welcoming silence as you looked out the window while hongjoong drove to his home.

well your home now as well.

his apartment complex looked homey, was your first thought as the two of you stepped inside the lobby. the elevator ride was a little too quick and you felt nervous to meet this yunho hongjoong had talk so much about.

"this is my apartment!" hongjoong said looking at you before unlocking the door and opening it. he stepped in first before gesturing for you to follow.

"yunho! i'm home!" hongjoong announced as you closed the door behind you. you hear someone's footsteps running before you turn and see probably the tallest person you've ever seen.

his blonde hair matched his fluffy looking ears and just overall soft appearance. he looked at you with wide eyes as he stood near the entrance.

"yunho, this is y/n. i adopted her from the shelter, so now she's apart of our family," hongjoong said as he placed a hand on the small of your back and pushed you towards the large hybrid, whose eyes never left you.

he could probably smell how nervous and scared you were, but he didn't say anything as his face broke out into a large smile as he stepped towards you and picked you up like nothing. he nuzzled his nose into your neck. he smelled like a mix of vanilla and a hint of strawberries, that you suspect is from hongjoong.

yunho then placed you down gently and you watched as he walked over to hongjoong and did the same thing to hongjoong. the only thing different was that yunho kissed hongjoong's cheek before he put him down.

"i'll go get you one of my hoodies!" yunho says cheerily before running out of the room. soon enough yunho returned with a yellow hoodie and handed it to you with a smile. you quickly threw it on and you were engulfed with the scent of vanilla and strawberries, which were stronger this time. it made you feel more at ease and you felt yourself relax as yunho gently tugged at your hand.

"i'm yunho," he said as he had you both sit down on the couch. hongjoong watched you two with a smile as he quickly went to change his clothes.

"i'm y/n," you say softly as yunho pulls you to him, feeling him snuggle up to you and you hear hongjoong coo at the sight of you two as he comes back and sits down next to you.

"yunho's not usually this gentle and quiet. he must not want to scare you," hongjoong says as he reaches over a scratches the blonde's head. "tomorrow how about we go out and get you some things," he suggest and you look at him a little confused and he notices your confusion.


"yeah like necessities or maybe just something you want. is there anything in mind that you want?"

"pets!" yunho says loudly and with smile.

"you always want pets yunho. i'm asking y/n what she wants."

"i don't know, i've never thought about what i wanted before."

"hongjoong gives really nice pets, y/n. he'll even rub your stomach if you ask him too," yunho whispers but fails as he tries to convince you to agree to getting pets.

"can i have pets?" you ask turning to look at the red haired male who only sighs before nodding with a small smile.

"alright, i can do pets." yunho cheers making you smile as well.

"also..." you start and hongjoong looks at you nodding for you to continue. "can you smile, it makes me feel safe."

"of course, y/n," hongjoong says smiling at you as him and yunho cuddle you from both sides.

&&. 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗝𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗬. ( ateez )Where stories live. Discover now