11:O9 am | s.mg

530 18 1

"i thought you hated coffee?" your friend ask you after the two of you get done ordering at the coffee shop.

"i do," you said as you reach to put your wallet back in your backpack. your friend gives you a puzzling look.

"then why did you order some if you don't like it?" she ask, to which you shrug in response. she's about to continue when you both hear someone call your name.

turning you see barista!mingi smiling at you from behind the counter and you smile back in greeting. "h-hey! how you doing?" you stutter and your friend is taken aback by how fluster you look.

"the usual as always, just doing work and school. what about you?" mingi ask, his smile never falling from his lips.

"same," you reply back, mingi is about to speak when one of his co-workers call for him.

"i guess i'll see you tomorrow then?" he ask and you nod, the both of you waving bye before he walks to the back.

"uhm, what the hell was that?" your friend ask with wide eyes.

"what was what?" you ask back, confused.

"oh come on! the cute barista! is this the reason you like to come here?"

"i-i don't know what you're talking about!" you stutter, a blush rising to your cheeks making your friend gasp in delight as she fangirls at the thought of you liking someone. "stop! people are starting to stare," you hiss.

thankfully, someone calls out your names letting you know your coffee was ready. you both thank the barista before you leave the cafe, you secretly doing a swipe of the place looking for mingi before you leave. you spot him near the back talking with someone, a smile on his face which makes your heart speed up.

"how long have you been going to that cafe?" your friend randomly ask as you walk down the street together.

"just a few weeks... two months," you say that last part a little quieter, but your friend still hears you.

"two months and you haven't bothered to ask that guy out!"

"i'm working on it, okay!"

"work faster! i've never seen you smile like that before. this guy must be something," she says and you smile at the thought of mingi. you take a sip of your coffee only to make a disgusted face as the taste of coffee hit your tongue.

"i hate coffee."

&&. 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗝𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗬. ( ateez )Where stories live. Discover now