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The Sun was slowly starting to set over the horizon, illuminating the sky with streaks of yellows, reds and oranges. You breathe it all in the peace, the quiet, everything was just perfect. It was days like this that you both hated and loved. You felt alone studying abroad, thousands of kilometres from your family. You spent most of your spare time in the library, reading, doing your homework, but you knew in the end that it would be worth it. 

You sat there absorbing the little warmth reflected by the sun onto your skin, to be honest you couldn't wait to go back home. To sleep in your own bed, watch movies with your family or too catch up with your friends. You felt so alone here, like you were stuck in a room and the walls were closing up around you. Slowly rising, you gather your things to walk back to your apartment when a small, grey Pitbull starts running towards you.

She trots towards her her snout in the air before nuzzling around your legs. You can't help but smile thinking of your own dog back home. 

"Are you lost Pretty Girl?" You ask her while patting her head. 

She nuzzles (if possible) even closer to you. "Awh, you're a cutie but it's getting dark how about you come home with me, and we'll get you back to your owner tomorrow." She gives you a yip as if understanding what you were saying. You laugh before picking her up, and walking home.


You had given Tessa something to eat and quickly went to your room to change into your pyjama's. When you came downstairs she was running around the apartment sniffing and jumping on every little thing. You couldn't help but laugh, it had been so long since you had been around a dog. You sat on the Sofa putting on the latest episode of Bates Motel. Tessa instantly jumped on your lap.

"Awhhh, you love me don't you." You coo at her. "Such a good girl."

Slowly you reached for her collar dialing the number on it. Within two rings the hoarse and muffled hello could be heard through the receiver. 

You sat there awkwardly forgetting your words before coming to your senses, "Um... Hi, my name's Y/N, and I found your dog, Tessa, um... That's what it says on her collar." You mumble.

You hear a loud sigh, "Oh thank god, we were so worried, thank you so much, if she's too much trouble I can come pick her up now," you hear the deep voice say. 

"Um, yea nah she's no trouble, she's fallen asleep on my lap, you can come pick her up whenever you want." You quietly say.

"Could I come pick her up tomorrow morning, my whole families everywhere right now looking for her?" He questions. 

"Yea sure, i'll text you my address." You mumble. 

"Yea sure, so i'll see you tomorrow? Thank you so much by the way, you don't know how grateful I am." He says, generally thankful. 

"Oh no, it's really no biggie, I have a dog back at home so I completely understand."

"No seriously thank you so much," he mumbles, "i'm Tom by the way".

"I'm Y/N." You say awkwardly.

He lets out a muffled laugh, "I know, you already said that," you can't help but smile. "So i'll see you tomorrow?"he says.

"Yep, okay bye." You say before hanging up, your hands instantly slide down the sides of your face, you were so awkward. 

You quickly text Tom the address, before resuming Bates Motel, with Tessa snuggled up by your side.


You wake up too Tessa barking, you groan rolling over, "Tessa, it's too early." Suddenly, your phone rings and you instantly jump up when you realise it's Tessa's owner, Tom.

You instantly jump up, smoothing your jumper and putting your hair up to, try, make yourself look presentable. Tessa runs to you excitedly as you go to unlock the door.

"To early? You do realise its 11:30 right?" You hear.

Slowly you look up as Tessa runs out and jumps on her owner. He goes to the ground playing with her as she runs in circles around him. He slowly stands up, your eyes going wide as his meet yours. 

"I'm Tom," he says putting his hand out for you too shake. 

Tom fucking Holland.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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