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You were walking to school, your ear buds in as you bounced your head to the beat of the song. The rock that you were kicking around was going everywhere. Similar to your thought and feelings. Your life used to be simple. You had a fun life, two amazing parents, three amazing best friends, Peter, MJ, and Ned. You guys were inseparable. Ever since 7th grade. You were all sort of weird in your own ways. Ned, was the dork that could make you laugh with his Star Wars pick up lines. MJ, was the one who could memorize a book if she wanted to. And then there was Peter. Your childhood best friend, the person your grew up with ever since you moved next door to him when you were 7. 

There was no doubt that Peter Parker was weird. He always stuttered around girls and got overly nervous. Avoided eye contact for too long, but still had the ability to brighten your day by his cute boyish smile. It was all these little things, that made you fall in love with him. The way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. The soft brown curls on his head, that were silky smooth. The way he bit his lip when he was deep in concentration. His ability to make you laugh no matter the situation. And that was how you had fallen in love with your childhood best friend. 

Everyday was a challenge for you. You found yourself sneaking glances at him as he concentrated on his work. Laughing at all the punny chemistry jokes he made, and you could always feel a tiny pain in your heart whenever he was talking about Liz. And it hurt. It hurt so bad.

You knew it was wrong. To fall for your best friend. You had already heard countless stories with two best friends who fall in love, and it never ended happily. You knew it was so wrong, to see your best friend for years as more than that, so you never told anyone. Not your Mum or Dad, not Ned or MJ, and most definitely not Peter. But some times you couldn't stop wondering, was there ever a future for you and Peter?


You place your bag in your locker, taking out your math exercise books. There was no doubt you loved math, I mean why wouldn't you? You had it with Peter... Ned and MJ. When all of you were together it was like a mothers club. The hour always went by so quick as the lot of you gossiped about the latest rumors and the hot goss. You sit down next to MJ, on the square shaped table. Peter sat directly in front of you and Ned to his left. Soon enough, Peter and Ned started talking about Star Wars, while you and MJ started talking about the latest episode of Love Island. Soon enough, the conversations went everywhere, from how Rock melon was the best fruit to how Mandarins were the worst. 

You stared at Peter, a soft smile on your lips as he laughed with Ned. Their friendship was adorable and pure. You heard MJ let out a small awkward cough that only you could hear, as she nudged you with her elbow. You turned to face her, to come face to face with her pointed face. She smiled at you, and slowly whispered to you, "Anything to confess Y/N?" While letting out a small laugh.

Your cheeks went red, knowing you were caught. "W-what are you talking about?" You stutter out. Avoiding her eyes. 

"I know you like Pete Y/N/N," she says here eyebrows raised suggestively, you lightly whack the back of your head, opening your mouth to say some sort of smart remark, but before you could the class door opened. 

All heads turned to the light comer, you all knew that he or she was dead. Mr. Andrews never fancied late comers. When you saw him, your jaw dropped. Cute was an understatement. He was adorable. He had well defined cheekbones, that gave the illusion of symmetry on his face. His eyes were emerald green, like the foliage that you would find in her rain forest. His hair was sandy blonde, and his smile, his smile could make anyone collapse. You could practically hear all the girls swooning over him. And the boys getting a bit envious. He was hot, but he looked genuine. Not the bad boy type of person, that played with peoples feelings, he looked like a pure, genuine person.

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now