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Tom and you were inseparable. As cliche as it were, you were like two pees in a pod. Ever since you first bumped into each other when you moved into the neighborhood, Tom was the one who was always by your side. 

On your first day in the neighborhood, Tom asked you if you had wanted to come over and watch Shrek, because lets face it, everyone loved Shrek. And slowly, the both of you became besties. On your first day of Primary School, Tom held your hand as the both of you walked through the halls, and he refused to let  you leave him, worried that you would find someone better to hand out with. On your first day of High School, you, Tom and Harrison walked through the halls together. Laughing. joking. Whenever you had a moment to spare, the both of you always found yourselves walking to the park, watching Disney movies and stuffing your faces.

But as your High School years progressed, you found less and less time for each other. Tom, already had his life panned out. He was half way around the world filming movies, while you were stuck in London, facing the drama and stress known as High School. After all, he had already even been in some renowned movies. But you, you had to work hard, you had to worry about your future so much. What you wanted to do? Universities? Scholarships?  

You found yourselves studying hard for every test and SAC, you had decided you wanted to go into engineering, even if it meant vigorous and hard studying. Slowly, the months passed and you had seen Tom less and less, apart from the rare texts you guys would send each other, and the Instagram posts he was uploading. 

MIT. That was the dream. Something you thought was far from achievable. But here you were, standing outside your dorm, on your first year. On your last day in London, everyone came over. Your friends, your grandparents, even the Holland's to wish you good luck and how they were so proud of you. Yet, the one person who meant the most to you, was no where to be found. "He was busy." That was his excuse, and it hurt you to know, that Tom couldn't visit you for the first time in 5 months, that he didn't even have the audacity to call you, or text you anymore. And it hurt, because as much you hated to say it, you had fallen in love with Tom Holland. Your neighbor, your best friend, your love...?


The college term dragged on. Test after test. Lecture after lecture. But you couldn't help but be relieved as you got closer and closer to your home. The place where you grew up and the place where you had your best memories. The days went slowly, which you were thankful for. You had time to walk around, go to the park, the shops, buy ice-cream. It was a good break. You could relax, which was something you deeply desired due to you college life. 

You were in the living room, binging The Umbrella Academy for what must have been the tenth time. Around you were chocolate wrappers, and a large tub of nutella. Your hair was out, something you rarely did, and you were in a pair of shorts and a large over sized jumper. Your glasses were perched atop your nose, and you were wearing your favourite blue cookie monster socks. You raise the spoon of Nutella to your mouth, when a knock resonates through the house. 

You amble your way to the front door, slowly opening it. You hear a high pitched squeal and automatically, you know who it is. Nikki's arms wrap around you tightly, "Y/N! When did you get back?" She says as she comes inside the house. 

"Late last week, I was to tired, sorry I didn't come visit you." You say, taking in her presence. Nikki was like your second mum. And you were the closest thing she had to a daughter. 

She shakes her head, "No don't worry about it, darling, I understand, but you know how you could make it up for me?" You stare quizzically at her, "Come to dinner tonight." You laugh, nodding your head, there was no way you could say no to Nikki's food, besides you couldn't wait to see Sam, Harry and Paddy... and Tom.

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now