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this ones gonna be short guys, cuz the first one was so long and it probs bored you guys to death, feel free to comment and leave feed back

Y/S/C- your skin colour


Pain. that was the first thing you felt. It had engulfed your whole body to the point where if you moved it felt like you were being cut with a knife. So here you were curled up in the cell, leaning against the hard cell wall. It felt like your whole body had been burned. The bruises and cuts you had gotten from fighting were still there, after they had injected you with something that slowed the healing process. And it hurt, all the bruises and cuts.

But what hurt the most were your feelings. Tony hated you. He was the closest thing you had to a dad and there you were fighting against him, and the he hit you with the power beam. You felt your eyes well up with tears. And then there was Peter Parker. Your best friend and the love of your life. Who kissed you and only moments later broke your heart. Who knew that throughout the events of a day, you could become so broken?

And now he you were stuck inside the RAFT, the secure prison only used for the most dangerous criminals. You hands were cuffed behind you, restricting your movement and the scientists had placed a heavy metal band around your head preventing you from using your abilities.

You glanced at Wanda who was staring at you with worry. Sam, the usually headfirst Avenger was defeated. Scott, the usually funny and easy going one had uttered fewer words than you, and Clint, well he was asleep.

No one uttered a word with each other. It was painstakingly quiet. It wasn't because they didn't want to talk to each other it was because they knew they were being monitored.

Over the course of the last week they had each received two meals a day one meal of cold and lumpy porridge for breakfast and another meal of cold boiled and inedible chicken for dinner.

You leaned your head against the cold cement wall, waiting wondering when this would all finally be over? When the sound of feet echoed through the compound. You hesitantly tore your head to the side confused on who it could at such a godly hour. When you see them. Peter and Tony. You quickly turn your head to the side not wanting to show them you care. You listen into bits of their conversation.

"The futurist, Gentleman! The Futurist is here! He sees all, he knows whats best for you, whether you like it or not..." You hear Clint's voice echo through the metallic walls of the prison.

You feel yourself choke on the air, when you hear Tony's voice, you can practically hear the pain and the brokenness behind it. "Give me a break Barton,  I had no idea they would put you here." You felt yourself scoff at that remark. As much as you loved Tony, his idiocy sometimes got to you.

"Yea... well you knew they would put us somewhere Tony..." Clint mumbles. You felt bad for Clint. He had been retired after all. Having the time to spend with his wife and kids. He had only came back to help Cap, and now here he was. Stuck in a high security prison cell. 

"Criminals, Tony, i think thats the word your looking for, right? That didn't use to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda. Not even Y/N, your own niece, but here we are..." You saw Tony and Peter both visibly stiffen at your name. There heads to to your cell, and their eyes widened at the sight. Your usually bright and bubbly face, held looks of pain and suffering. Your usually Y/S/C, had become immensely pail, and the cuts and bruises that were scattered around your  body had barely healed, making you look like a boxing bag that had become victim to a heavy weight champion. The cuffs that imprisoned your hands together had dug into the soft and tender skin of your wrist leaving trails of dry blood and deep cuts. And the metal contraption that had been placed on your head, had given you intense migraines restricting you from your sleep

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now