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Broken. That was how you felt. Broken as you stared outside your window, watching the drop of rain smoothly glide down the glass. You were huddled in blankets, keeping you warm and safe from both the real world and your feelings. The chocolate ice-cream tub, sat on your bed-side table, slowly melting away. 

You weren't used to it. Feeling so broken. So lost. But that's what happens when your heart breaks. When the one person who you thought was your soul mate, your boyfriend, shreds your heart and breaks it.

You didn't expect it coming. Your whole day was going on smooth, you had Math, English went by slow and painfully and then third period. You had German and Peter had Spanish. You loved German, even though you were a beginner. 

Your German class' were nerve wrecking. Your teacher, Frau Schwarz, always picked on people and looked like a mean old librarian, but Chris your desk partner, managed to make your lessons okay. Whenever your heart was thumping in your chest out of nerves, Chris was always there to calm. Whenever you were doing an Oral or speaking in front of the class, it was always Chris who could calm your nerves by smiling at you, or mouthing out the words for you. Chris was one of your best friends. But Chris' and your relationship was strictly best friends. Everyone knew that. Except for Peter. 


You walked out of class on Chris' shoulders. He had offered to give you a piggy-back ride to your locker because your legs were hurting. You were chuckling and squealing as Chris galloped around like a horse. The people passing by were giving the both of you side glances, moving away from Chris' path to avoid destruction. 

You saw Peter leaning against his locker staring at you and Chris. Your smile faltered at the look on his face. His arms were crossed something he did when he was frustrated, and his jaw was clenched. Maybe it was the Stark internship. You knew Peter was Spider-man, after all you were his girl friend. The one who he would go to when he got hurt, the one who he would hug when he had seen tings no other teenager should. 

You were his everything. You were his constant. The one girl who had stolen his heart, and he couldn't lose you, not even too Chris...

Chris softly dropped you on the ground, you hugged him and said your goodbyes as he ambled over to his group of friends. 

"Hey Pete! What's up?" You say enthusiastically like normal. You were beaming at him, and usually at the sight of your face, Peter would be smiling, adoring every single thing about you, but he wasn't even paying attention. He had dozed off, staring into your eyes. 

"Pete! Pete! Pete!" You whisper-yell, waving your hand in front of his face, trying to wake him up from his daze.

"Oh... uhhh... I'm good." Peter replies before walking off. You frown. Peter, had never ignored you. He had never not listened to you. He always hugged you whenever he saw you. Always smiled. 

But there he was, answering a question you hadn't even asked, not even hugging you, and not even smiling at you. He had completely ignored you. 


It was now the end of the day, class had finished 15 minutes ago, you stood in front of the metal gates of Midtown Tech, your foot nervously tapping on the cement floor, as you patiently waited for Pete. People passed by, staring at you, as you stood there by yourself.

You were starting to grow frustrated, Peter was acting really wierd today. First he had ignored you. And now this. He never ditched walking home with you, unless if it was fr Spidey-business, but even then he always sent you a text, so you didn't wait. At half past 3, you let out a frustrated groan, swinging your bag over your shoulder you stomped all the way home by yourself.

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now