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not edited and short


I chuckled to myself as she walked down the hall, quite obviously flustered. I glanced around her room it was cosy and smelled of cookies. It smelled like her. Picture frames scattered the wall, ranging from pictures of her with MJ, her with Ned, her with me and all of us together but never one with her parents. I felt my heart clench was her relationship with her parents that distant? Mine was different, and besides I had Aunt May, and she was practically like a mother to me. When something got my eye. The familiar glistening silky black suit. Slowly I Inches closer checking if Y/N was coming and pulled it out. And that was when I realised it was the same suit that Flamethrower wore. My heart started pumping in my chest I felt sweat droplet pour down my forehead and my mouth as dry as sandpaper as I just realised that Y/N was Flamethrower...



You know that feeling you get, when you hear the worst news you could hear. My whole life was a mess, it was obvious. After all, I had lost so many people in such a short time. My mum, my dad, Uncle Ben and Mr. Stark. I thought that for some time my life would be stable, that I would never hear such news till I was in my ninety's, rocking on a chair with my beloved life next to me. But I as crouched on the floor of Y/N's room,the familiar black material on top of my hands, it felt like I had lost her. 

Thoughts were rushing in my head, trying to comprehend it. Y/N was Flame thrower!

The same Flame thrower that causes a lot of damage, that steals from banks, that makes buildings collapse by a click of her fingers...

Her footsteps echo through the halls of the apartment, and I instantly put it back where I find it, and come face to face with her. She stares at me quizzically, and I feel myself shrink under her gaze.

"Are you okay Peter? You seem... of." She mutters, her hand reaching for my shoulder. 

Nervously I take a step back. "Yea, um actually I don't feel to good, I t-t-think I'm gonna head h-home." My voice comes out hoarse and squeaky, from its dryness. 

She scrutinizes me, her left eye-brow slightly raised, as she bites the inside of her cheek.

"Are you sure your okay? I can walk with you just to make sure your safe." She says. I wondered how she did it. How someone so loving and caring, could become someone so dangerous and aggressive. How she could completely change her personality between a fraction of a second. And that was when I realized that Y/N, the girl that I am in love with, is a complete mystery...


I stared blankly at Peter's retreating figure, as he nervously waved back at me, his lopsided smile, the same one that I had encountered nearly mo whole life, was falling as his eyes held a look. Like he was thinking. Judging. Like he was scared. I shook my head, telling myself it was just him feeling unwell, and closed the door of my apartment.

The sound of the clock ticking was the only sound that could be heard as my pen hastily moved along the paper. I groaned as I glanced at the stack of homework that I needed to have done before tomorrow. My life was a mess, I was a two-faced girl, in the day I was Y/N, I was a nice person, and in the night I became Flame thrower, a ruthless and aggressive person, and I hated it. I hated what I did, despised it. But I had to do it, otherwise I would have no where to go and no way of living my life. 

I flip the page, staring at the endless formulas and letters that I barely recognized, when I felt a pair of eyes lingering on me. But I brushed the feeling away, after all, I lived alone, there was no one here with me, but trusting my gut, my head turns to my window, and the familiar red and blue spandex swings past.

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now