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Best friends. Lovers. A couple. That was what you and Peter were. You had known each other for ages, ever since you moved next door to him and May when the both of you were sick. The both of you were inseparable, always together watching movies, studying, pranking people anything really. 

You knew Peter was Spiderman. You were sitting next to him in Chem class when he accidentally created the web fluid. You were the one who he came to when he got injured during his fights, the one who bandaged his injuries, and the one who helped him sleep in the middle of the night when the stress of Spiderman became to much. 

You and Ned both knew Peter had been so through much in the last two centuries. There was Germany, the "STARK" internship, then there was the whole Thanos incident. Throughout the last two years Peter had lost so much. He lost both his parents, then Ben, and so many of his friends through the Endgame. 

You knew that if anyone had ever experienced as much loss as Peter they would be torn. But Peter was... okay? You and Ned waited for any moment for him to break down, but every morning he came to school with a smile. He was normal. He wasn't acting out, he wasn't acting different. He was the same old Pete. But if there was one thing you knew was that he was keeping all his feelings and emotions bottled up, and sooner or later it would all come out...


Weeks passed and slowly you and Ned started seeing the small changes;

1. The way he was quieter. Peter was always talking too you guys. Whenever the topic was something he liked he could ramble on for hours, but during lunch when you and Ned were talking about Star Wars Peter barely uttered a word.

2. His grades were slowly dropping, which was impossible for Peter Parker who was constantly excelling in every subject at school.

3. Peter was rarely one to get angry or upset. He always put others before himself. You and Ned had never seen Peter lash out at anyone, he was too kind for that, he always held the timid and vulnerable nerd facade when he was probably the strongest person in the whole school. Yet, when Flash said one smart remark about Peter, Peter had cornered him. It took three people to get Peter of off Flash. 


You had decided to talk to Peter, you were best friends after all, he should be able to confide in you. You could feel butterflies in your stomach as you knocked on May's apartment. Peter opened the door, giving you a small smile as you came in, the small of warm garlic bread (i love garlic bread) made you drool. 

"May's out, she had to go to some meeting thing," Peter mumbles, his back slouched his hands in his pockets, and his eyes anywhere but yours. 

"Oh cool." You say following Peter into his room. 

He flops down on his bed, "wanna watch a movie, May made Garlic Bread?" He says teasing your love for garlic bread. 

You smack his head with a pillow, "you know I can't say no to May's garlic bread," you say laughing. 


As you lay on Peters bed watching Harry Potter, it almost felt normal. Chucking popcorn at each other, kicking each others leg, trying to shove one another of the bed, but then you remember why you came here in the first place. 

Slowly you sit up, "Pete," you mumble out, finding interest in his doona. 

"Yea?" He questions, his eyes on yours. 

"Are you okay?" You question, your hand gently on his. 

He flinches away at the contact, and sits back a little, "i'm fine... Why w-wouldn't I be?" He says, playing with his jumper sleeves. 

You sigh, "Pete, you've been through so much, you've lost so much, anyone else would be torn."

Peter looks away "Well... i'm fine. I don't need h-help."

"Pete, just listen, you need to let some emotion out Pete, your human. It's okay to tell someone if your upset or hurt." You say, biting your lower lip. 

Peter avoids eye contact, but when he looks up at you again, his eyes are red and welling with tears, "fine i have lost so much. My parents, Ben, then the whole Liz thing, and now i'm the only avenger left, and Mr. Stark, Y/N! Mr. Stark! is gone!" 

Your heart breaks at the sight of Peter's fragile state. "Pete- you couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't your fault." You say moving closer to him. 

"But it was, even Beck said it! It was my fault, I should have wielded the gauntlet, not Mr. Stark!" He says breaking off into sobs.

"Peter, it's not your fault, you're a kid, you can't be held accountable,k besides Tony knew what he had too do, Pete... Mr. Stark would have wanted you to live. He would have wanted you to graduate, start a family, he would have wanted you too live..."

"You think so?" Peter questions, you feel your heart break at his vulnerability. 

"I really do, Pete." you mumble into him, embracing him in a hug. 


word count; 900

omggggg schools starting monday and i have decided to be productive and get some of my homework done.

wish me luck guyssss 🤞🤞 lets hope i dont procrastinate too much ;)))


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