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You and Peter have been best friends since you were in diapers. Even through all the drama of high school you managed to stick together, you gave up the chance to be a popular to be with Peter your best friend, who you have been crushing on, but what happens when you find out Peters biggest secret? 

warnings; language + fluffy



Life was always simple for you. It was always the same routine everyday in the past and it would also be the same routine everyday in the future. The one person though, the one person who managed to keep you sane was Peter Parker. Your life long best-friend, and who through the last couple of years had morphed into the love of your life. 

Although, you would never admit it to his face you were always jealous of Liz, the girl whom stole his heart. The girl who he would spend hours staring at from the other side of the cafeteria. The girl who he would day dream about in class, and the girl of his dreams. And to say the least, it hurt. Seeing the boy of your dreams, dreaming over another girl, who was much more prettier and better than you. It hurt so much...

You walk down the stairs of your apartment complex, the dull winter breeze sending goosebumps up your spine, when you heard your name being called. You quickly turned around to come face to face with Peter. He was running to catch up to you, stuffing a slice of toast in his mouth. You feel your breath hitch in your throat, as you let out a throaty, "Hi."

"What's up Y/N? Weren't you gonna wait for me like you always do?" Peter questioned, his chocolate brown orbs displaying a faint bit of hurt. 

Your mouth felt as dry as sandpaper as your voice came out raspy, "I needed to go a bit early, I have to see Mr. Derrick before class, failed trig," you whispered out avoiding eye contact. 

"Oh, well if you need help, I can always tutor you," he replies. You immediately let out a smile, Peter was always one to help other, it was one of the things you love about him. 

"Yea, sure." You reply and just like that everything was normal. 



You had just finished Physics, and you felt drained, you were completely tired and felt like collapsing. You opened your locker and started stuffing your books into your locker, when a rough calloused hand slammed it closed. You felt your body stiffen, as you slowly stiffened. You cautiously turned around coming face to face with Eugene  "Flash" Thompson...

Now, it was a complicated situation on how you had arrived at this situation, you see you and Flash used to have a thing. But it was minor, some would call it a summer time fling, but at that time your feelings for Peter morphed into something greater. When Flash surprisingly asked you out in front of the whole school, you denied him and instantly walked of too find Peter, scared and upset about what had just happened. Peter had spent the whole day consoling you telling you, you weren't a bad person and that you had to stay true to your feelings. 

Little did you know Peter felt relief when you had denied Flash. Not just because he was protective over his best friend, but because he was also in love with her. But when ever Peter asked you why you denied Flash you would ever give him a straight answer.

You stared into Flash's dark brown almost black orbs, feeling shivers run through your bodies. You were shocked that at one stage you confided and admired those orbs, but that all changed after the incident.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the little slut..." He sneered, his once loving eyes replaced by cold ones that could stare right through you. 

You let out a shaky breath, and took a few steps back only to bump into the locker wall. Your eyes widened as Flash took slow threatening steps towards you. Immediately you dashed to his side, in hopes of out running him, but he got a tight grasp on you upper arm and pulled you back. You let out a tight wheeze and winced at the impact of the hard metal lockers knocking the air out of you and hitting your back. Pain rushed through your arm, as his grip increased. 

"You think you can run from me?" He says threateningly in your ear, before letting out a maniacally evil laugh. He slams you into the locker again, "we haven't even started yet Princess!" He sneers. 


I had just finished my Math methods class (idk what they call it in America), and was on my way to see Y/N. After two periods without her i was excited to see her, I was still shocked when i saw her leave without me in the morning, but I understood she would need her space every now and then. The truth was i was in love with Y/N. My childhood best friends, but I couldn't let anyone know that. If anyone found out I was Spider-man they could hurt her. The day that Flash asked her out was the worst day of my life, but when she denied him relief flooded through me. Even though she had a slight crush on Flash she denied him, and it still hurt me too see her in pain, even if it was over someone else. As I was walking to my locker I heard whispers through the halls, as people dragged their friends to Y/N's locker area. Instantly, I felt my protective side come out as I ran over to the scene. I heard wincing and shouting as Flash was picking on someone that for once wasn't me. But how I wished it was me when I realized it was Y/N, who was instead under Flash. 

His fist smashed onto her locker right beside her head in a threatening way, and I could feel myself fuming with anger. I shoved past the rest of the people in front of me and shoved Flash to the ground, i felt my arm stiffen and clench into a fist, as i was about to punch him and that was when I saw her. Y/N. Tears were welling up in her face and sliding down her cheeks, i felt my mouth go dry at the thought of her getting hurt. My hand finding its way to her wrist and dragging her out of the scene.


Tears leaked through your eyes from the fear and pain, wasn't anyone going to help you. Suddenly Flash was shoved away from you, and landed on the floor, you wiped away your tears and came face to face with Peter. Your chest was heaving up and down with fear, as more tears gathered in your eyes. While his were were heaving up and down with anger. His fists were clenched by his sides at the idea of you getting hurt. His hands find there way to your wrist, as he drags you out of the hall, showing past the crowd of people. You try to keep up with his fast pace finding yourself having to jog to keep up.

"Peter slow down," you let out. But his hands still stay wrapped around your wrist his jaw clenched and his feet still moving in the same pace. 

"Peter! Let go, you're hurting me!" He instantly lets go and turns around a look of apology etched on his face. He opens his mouth to apologise, yet his hands find there way to your cheeks as he inspects every inch of your face. Looking for any injuries. 

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Are you hurt? This is all my fault, I should have been there quicker... He hurt you Y/N. He fucking touched you. He fucking hurt my Y/N! And now his gonna pay..." He wraps his hands around you, his nose on the crook of your neck inhaling your scent, as if it would calm him down. 

"I'm fine Peter, I'm not hurt, i'm okay..." you reply softly, your hand softly going through the soft curls on his head. His heard perked up from your neck, as he stared into you almost black eyes, "Good because i don't know what i would do if you weren't..." He mumbled, before his lips found there way to yours.

The kiss was soft and tender, like he was savouring you and didn't want to hurt you, but as amazing as it was it ended to soon as he pulled away from you slowly. One hand resting on your waist whilst the other lovingly lay on your cheek. 

"We still up for tutoring tonight?" He questions




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