VILLAIN PART 1~ peter parker

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You are Pyrokinetic in this imagine meaning you have the ability to manipulate and control fire you can use your hands or your whole body
You are also Peter Parker's best friend they are 16
This maybe a bit lengthy
Life wasn't good for everyone. Some people were born into a good life; they had good loving and encouraging parents and siblings who loved and adored them. It was this type of a family you had always wanted but it was this type of family you could never have.

As much as life isn't good for everyone, life isn't fair for everyone either. But it's very rare for someone to have both...

I was born to a pair of young renowned scientists. Who didn't want a child but saw the endless possibilities it would bring by having one. After my 5th birthday they started using me as their lab rat for their experiments, injecting and extracting. Where most ten year olds would run away hiding behind the mums at the sight of a needle, I could easily grasp a needle and use it myself. I had spent years of my life being the guinea pig of my "parents" experiments, their so called "failed test subject."

It was only after five years that they started seeing results on their years worth of experiments. At 10 years old I had the ability to do what no other ten year old could. I could manipulate fire.
However, instead of what most scientists would do and releasing the groundbreaking news to the world, my parents trained me to become a criminal. And i mean it worked, it worked so well. I could get in and out of banks so easily well i mean I didn't get out of them, I just burned them down instead. And i was unstoppable. I was undefeated. People cowered at my name. But all villains have the kryptonite...

When I was 14 I had had enough of my "parents," I wanted to leave I had enough. As much as I liked what they made me do I realised it was wrong and it was people like Peter and Ned who made me realise that. They hate Flamethrower, saying how her hurting innocents or worse, was wrong.

It was Peter's distaste for my alter ego that hurt. I loved Peter. I loved him so much, my best friend, and it was at that moment I decided that I had too change. I tried to tell them that I was going to change, but when they wouldn't listen it got too much. I felt a fire ignite in me and it wasn't dying down. I felt like a stick of dynamite waiting to go off, but when it did, it only made things much worse, after all fire never dies down, it only spreads...

When your Pyrokinetic it not only gives you the ability to manipulate and control fire but it also makes you impenetrable by it. Losing control of my abilities was the least thing I had wanted that night. I was fighting about not hurting people but I ended up hurting so much more instead. When I lost control my whole body became engulfed in flames. Not small withering flames you would see on a match but large engulfing flames. The ones you would experience during a bush fire. That day was the first time i had truly ever witnessed pain and fear in my parents eyes, as they looked at the monster I created. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins as I realised at what I had done but I couldn't reabsorb the flames. It wasn't like that. And that was when I realised I had not only lit the apartment on fire but the whole building. Guilt rushed through my veins as I realised that half these people would be dead in a matter of seconds. Some from the contamination in the oxygen affecting their lungs, whereas the others would be burnt alive. It was at that moment that i realised I would never see Little Gracie from next door, who still wouldn't be able to grow her front two teeth. I would never be able to taste Old Ms. Livingston's soup when i got a cold again. Or receive the freshly grown carrots from Mr. Derricks garden. And it was all my fault...

That was four years ago. 61 casualties that day; 24 woman, 26 men and 11 children all dead because of me. As much as I would love to say that I have given up the crime fighting life and changed I can't lie. To this day I am still known as Flame Thrower and still am massively feared throughout society. But I need to steal in order to make money to pay rent and my school fees. Although, I have definitely changed my methods. I don't kill. My only problem Spider-man. Every time his always there stopping me. I could easily kill him, but the guilt from my past eats me up on it...

Nobody knows my secret. In the day I am Y/N. A smart, funny girl who loves to hang it with her best friends MJ, Ned and Peter and in the night I am Flamethrower the biggest criminal out there.

I closed my locker shut, and made my way over to my Chemistry class. I sat down on my desk and patiently waited for Peter to walk in. As soon as he walked in a smile covered my face.
"Hey, Pete" i mumble, avoiding eye contact,
"hey Y/N/N , how was your weekend?" He replied
"Pretty average, definitely not long enough." That was a lie. Your weekend was far from average you ended up having to rob a bank to help pay for your rent and as always Spider-man popped up, and let's just say you were both lucky to escape their with just a couple of bruises.
"How was your weekend Pete?" You question him. But before he could reply Mr. Stevenson walked in, meaning class had begun.
"So wanna meet up at your place for the Chemistry project?" Peter questioned.
"Hm?? Oh yea sure" you rarely invited your friends over and realised that sooner or later they were going to realize something was up.

The end of the day came by pretty quickly and you found yourself walk-in home with Peter. You guys were joking around making small talk and teasing each other the way normal best friends do.
"Will your parents be tonight?" Peter abruptly questions.
You felt yourself choke on the air.
"No, t-t-there out on a b-business trip again," you mumble out.

As you invited Peter in your room you felt your heart beating, did he like it? Did he think it was childish?
"I'll be back quickly I'm going to go bring us some water ok? Make yourself at home Pete."

I chuckled to myself as she walked down the hall, quite obviously flustered. I glanced around her room it was cozy and smelled of cookies. It smelled like her. Picture frames scattered the wall, ranging from pictures of her with MJ, her with Ned, her with me and all of us together but never one with her parents. I felt my heart clench was her relationship with her parents that distant? Mine was different, and besides I had Aunt May, and she was practically like a mother to me. When something got my eye. The familiar glistening silky black suit. Slowly I Inches closer checking if Y/N was coming and pulled it out. And that was when I realised it was the same suit that Flamethrower wore. My heart started pumping in my chest I felt sweat droplet pour down my forehead and my mouth as dry as sandpaper as I just realised that Y/N was Flamethrower...

Word count: 1319
Sorry if it sucks it's almost one am and I'm half dead second part will be posted tmr will hopefully be better than this one

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now