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Slowly, the tears start cascading down, and you hastily wipe them away with your sleeve. You look up at Peter, trying to glare at him, but your tear stained face makes it look pathetic. You shove Peter from in front of you, running out of his room, and out the front door, wiping the tears that were cascading down your eyes. Leaving Aunt May to wander, who was going to eat all the Meatloaf?

Meanwhile, Peter, was inside his room, his chest rising up and down rapidly, as his brain tried to process what had just happened. Tears fell out of his eyes, as he trashed his room. He hated seeing you cry, seeing your bright face with tears falling down them was enough to break them. And that had happened just then. You were crying, and Peter was the reason behind it. Peter had never wanted you to get hurt because of him being Spider-man, but he had never thought he would have been the one the hurt you...

WORDS: 1300


You were tired. Exhausted. You were heartbroken. You had spent the whole weekend crying, too the point where you felt like there was no more tears left in your eyes. You had managed to finish one whole container of chocolate ice-cream, and finished two whole bars of Cadbury chocolate. You Laptop was placed on your lap, as you continuously watched sad love stories, and the bottle of nutella, lay perched next to you.

Your parents and even your older brother had tried to talk to you, ask you what was wrong but you blocked them out. Even Ned and shockingly Peter called, but you had ended all their calls before they could ring a second time. The only person you had confided in was MJ. Who even though she had a hard facade, was a real softy. She spent the night at your place, telling you cheesy jokes, drooling over Sam Claffin in Me Before You, and even bringing you more chocolate. And at that moment, you could not have been more grateful to her...

But that was the weekend, and it had once again gone quicker than you wished. It was now Monday, and you had decided to go to school. Not because you were afraid of taking a day off, but because you wanted too seem unaffected. Like Peter Parker, hadn't broken your heart and left it in a thousand little pieces. 

You had spent the whole weekend thinking about it, and  you understood why he was stressed. After all, Peter Parker had the stress of being a model student, which meant acing most classes, he had to worry about being Spider-man, which took up the majority of his time, and he had to stress about Aunt May, you and everyone else he loved.

But you were pretty sure it was Spider-man affecting him the most. You had spent countless nights, addressing Peter's wounds, when he would stumble in your room in the early hours of the morning. He would be bleeding, have cuts all over, bruisers that looked similar to a painters palet, but there was more to Peter's injuries than that. You knew that everything going on in his life was affecting him mentally. Each night, he would appear more and more like the old-Peter. This one seemed more dejected, like a ghost of the other one. And all these reasons together made sense, you understood where he was coming from. But you still didn't understand why he called you all those things. 

clingy, bitch, annoying, handful. Did Peter think that little of you? Was that what 12 years of friendship and love lead to? Was that really what the love of your life really consider you to be an inconvenience?


The school day dragged by slowly, 3 out of 6 of your classes where with Peter and you couldn't help but feel unease. Peter looked broken. Hurt. Pained. His eyes had large bags to the point where they made his eyes look swollen, his hair was a birds nest, with strands sticking out in all directions. His eyes were larger than they usually were and were covered in red. He had tried to pull you aside and talk to you, but you flinched away talking to MJ, or going on your phone. Your classmates, who were used to the both of you being inseparable gave you looks, but you ignored them. Throughout most of your lessons you had felt a pair of eyes on you, all you wanted to do was to tell Peter to stop, to look somewhere else other than your back. But you knew that if you caught eyes with him you would break down, and you couldn't have that. 


The school day was finally over and you had just arrived home. You chucked your bag onto the black lazy boy, before taking a piece of chocolate cake from the fridge and walked up to your room. 

You sat down on your desk, your heart pounding. The school day had been so difficult for you. Having to deal with everything. Having to deal with Peter. You could feel your eyes well up with tears and you knew a rush of water works was coming. You stuffed a bit of the chocolate cake into your mouth trying to stiffle a sob, when there was a knock on your door. 

Wiping away the few tears that had made their way down your cheek, you went and opened your bedroom door. At the sight of his chocolate brown hair and swollen eyes, you tried to bang the door shut. You didn't want to deal with it yet. You didn't want to deal with him...

But it was already to late, his foot had stopped the door from closing completely, and within a matter of seconds his hands had managed to push the door open the rest of the way. 

He walked in slowly, his back rigid, "Y/N... Please hear me out." He whispered out. 

You shook your head, your eyes closed and your jaw tight, trying to prevent the tears from falling. "No P-peter... Get out..." You try to sound strong, but your voice cracks multiple times. 

"Please Y/N... five minutes thats all I want." He pleads out, his voice is shaking and his eyes are slowly welling up with tears and you are heart broken. As much as Peter had hurt you, you still hated to see him in pain. You stay quiet, not wanting to answer the question, but Peter takes your silence as a yes.

"You have to u-understand I was stressed Y/N. I have to worry about so many things Y/N. Spider-man, Aunt May, I had to worry about pleading Mr. Stark, all these criminals, and the Mysterio happened, I have to worry about you-" You cut him short. 

"You don't have to worry about me Peter, I am not a baby." You say with a hint of annoyance. 

"I know, that's not what I meant, I meant, if anyone found out I was Spider-man they could use you to get to me, and I can't let that happen, you mean the world to me. Y/N... Please understand, my life is a mess, everything everywhere, I am always getting hurt, I have so much to worry about and so much stress, but you're my constant. You are that one thing, I wake up and get out of bed for. You are the reason, I still fight through everyday, and if you weren't there, I don't know how I would do it. 

You gulp, tears of both happiness and sadness threatening to fall out of your eyes. "But that still doesn't make it okay to call me names." You say on the verge of tears.

Peter visibly cringes, recalling all the obscenities he had called you. "I know... He says, and you have no-idea how sorry I am, I never meant to explode like that, especially to you, and I promise on everything, that I will never treat you like that again, because Y/N, you mean the world to me, and I don't know what I would do without you..."


word count: 1350

sorry the endings bad but i didn't know how to end it.


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