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Peter and you were dating. Best friends turned into lovers. Everyone could see that the both of you were genuinely in love with one another. The way you both looked at each other, like you were the only thing that mattered. The way you walked hand-in-hand, savouring the feeling of your embrace as if it were your last.

But Peter, this was somewhat the case. After all, he was Spiderman. The Spider-man who went around fighting crime in Queens. Peter was giving up so much for his alter-ego. He had lost so much because of Spiderman. Sleep. A normal life. Mr.Stark. 

But you were something Peter was not willing to lose. You were the best thing in his life. The only constant. Your contagious giggle, was what always made Peter laugh. Being graced by your presence was the best thing in the world for Peter. 

At first your relationship was amazing. The typical High School couple. Everyone shipped you guys together. You were just cute together. And it was no doubt that you were absolutely in love. It was the perfect relationship for the both of you. It was everything you had ever dreamed off. But slowly you felt like you and Peter were drifting apart. 

You knew Peter was Spiderman, and you understood that he couldn't always be there, but still you always felt your heart break as you waited for hours on end for Peter to turn up too dates. Or patiently talked to Ned and MJ, while Peter was out doing some Spiderman business. You felt that as the days passed by, he loved you less and less. It was the small things at first. Not wrapping his arm around your petite figure during lunch. Which eventually became not holding your hand through the hallway. Which then became barely looking at you and talking to you. 

You tried to fix it. Ask him what was wrong or just talk to him. But you were given sharp blunt replies that sounded irritated. You started feeling dejected. Did Peter not love you anymore? Did he find someone else? Was this just a phase that would eventually pass over? 

You were always a curious person, so you decided you needed the answers. Slowly you ambled your war over to Aunt May's apartment. You could feel butterflies in your stomach as you softly knocked on the door. Aunt May opened the door beaming when she saw you, "Y/N! How are you? I haven't seen you in a while!" She says smiling. 

"Yea... I've been pretty busy with school and stuff." You say beaming at the woman who was like your second mother. 

"Well Pete's in his room, i'll bring you guys some lasagna later."

You nod your head in thanks, before walking into Peter's room. 

At the sound of the door opening Peter's head shifts to the side, at the sight of you he smiles, but it comes out more like a grimace. 

"Hey Pete," you mumble walking up to him, standing in between his legs. You his the top of his head, and he wraps his arms around you. For the next few moments, it's just silence. As you both embrace each other. 

Slowly you pull away, the cold air replacing the warmth that Peter created. You go and sit down on his bed, staring at him, trying to formulate what to say in your head. 

"Pete... are you okay?" You question seriousness laced in your voice. 

"Yea i'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" he questions. 

You shake your head, "Peter, when someone says their "fine" there not, just tell me. Pete I haven't had a proper conversation with you in forever. And that's kinda concerning! Your my fricken boyfriend, and I don't know what you're going through, but if I did, I could help you!" You half shout towards the end. 

Peter's jaw ticks and his eyes are roaming around the room. Something he did when he was deep in thought. 

"Look it's not something I am comfortable discussing with you." He says venomously

Your eyes well up with tears, was this how much he trusted you, "Fine." You say sharply. "I better get going anyways." You say before walking out of the room before he sees your tears. 


You had spent the last night crying yourself to sleep. When you woke up the next morning. Your hair was a mess, your eyes were red and puffy and you had a runny nose. As much as you wanted to stay home to avoid Peter, you mum wouldn't let you stay home. 

You had just finished Period 4 and it was finally lunch, you had somehow managed to avoid Peter through the start of the day, and you had decided that you were going to go sit in the library and read a book to avoid him, Ned and MJ during lunch. 

As you slammed your locker shut, you came face to face with Brad. One of your closest friends from you Methods class. 

"Hey Y/N! Are you okay? You don't look to well." You smile at him, Brad was always nice, he had always managed to put a smile on your face. 

"Yea, i'm okay, just tired." You say. 

"Oh... okay. Anyway none of my friends are here today and I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me."

You felt warmth in your heart, at this. Maybe you weren't going to be alone. "Of course, i'd love to." 

The both of you found yourself in the library, laughing over pointless picture story books. And reminiscing about your childhood. You sat there laughing at Where's Wally. When you realize the silence around you. You turn around to see Brad. He has a slight smile as he looks at you, and you feel yourself blush under his gaze. Suddenly, his soft plump lips were on yours. You sat in shock, before moving your lips against his.

A voice in the back of your mind was telling, shouting for you to stop. You weren't sure if Peter had broken up with you. And you weren't exactly sure why you were kissing Brad. He was... Brad. And Peter was your one and only. Perhaps it was from the lack of attention from Peter. Slowly you push against his chest. Your cheeks flaming up at your actions. 

"I'm so sorry, I was just so caught in the moment," Brad apologizes. 

You shake your head "No, don't be, I did the same," you say smiling to yourself. You look around the library hoping no one saw that, but your eyes land on a very familiar pair of chocolate brown eyes. 





PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now