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This was a request by; AnushaMalik4


You were the epitome of nervous. Your heart was palpitating furiously in your chest, your hands were sweaty as you stood outside the main building. John Watts had decided that the actors should sped time together, to get to know each other so there would me more chemistry. It wasn't exactly your first time acting, but in a way working with Tom Holland and Zendaya Coleman was quite prestigious, and you knew living up to their standards was going to be hard. 

You were cast as the next MCU villain in Spiderman Homecoming. You were 20, merely three years younger than the rest of the cast, and to make matters worse you were from Australia.  

So it made sense for you to be nervous. After all, these were actors and actresses that were famous. Celebrities. They were renowned for their works and then there was you. You were in a few movies, but what if you couldn't live up to their standards in the movie. 

Suddenly the door opened and out came Zendaya looking stunning as ever. She beamed at you, "Hey girl! We were waiting for you. Tom! Jacob! Guys! She's here." She screamed into the building while dragging you in.

You could hear footsteps running down the stairs and nervously glanced down at the floor, finding interest in your white all stars, "So how was hour flight? How long was your flight?" Zendaya interrupted. She could tell you were anxious and tried to help you loosen up. 

"Yea, it was okay kinda boring though, it was 22 hours, but I had a transit at Malaysia." You say looking up at her. Her mouth was wide open and slightly in a smile and suddenly you started feeling a bit insecure, "Did I say something wrong?" You question. 

She shakes her head quickly. "W-what? Oh no! No! It's just, I love your accent, it sounds so nice." She compliments. 

You feel yourself loosen up, "My accent? How bout yours, its sounds so -" 

You don't get time to finish your sentence as Zendaya looks behind you, "Guys!" She semi-yells, "This is Y/N!"

The cast comes towards you, "Oh my god! She's gorgeous!" Marisa Tomei squeals. You feel your cheeks heat up with all the attention on you. 

"Hey... I'm Y/N." You say realizing you still hadn't introduced yourself properly. 

Everyone slowly starts introducing themselves, and then Tom introduces himself. You hold onto his eye contact as he speaks, and you feel like he was staring deep into your soul, slowly you rip your eyes away from him. 

Before everyone starts taking together. 

"So Y/N, what's it like in Australia?" Zendaya asks curiously. 

"Um... It's good. It's really colourful. But, um there's too much spiders." You say slightly shivering at the thought of the Spiders. Through your peripheral vision, you see Tom smile to himself.

"Haha. Tom should go to Australia then, he loves Spider's." John says. 

Tom lets out a laugh, "mate there disgusting." He says shuddering. 

"Ye they are. Back home, theres like these completely black Spider's that are like there all the time except for winter, and they're disgusting and fat and ugly. And then there's the jumping Spider's that come out during Spring, and they just hop around everywhere. It's disgusting."

"Looks like Tom has a friend now that shares his liking to Spiders." Jacob teases. "So isn't there like a lot of dangerous animals in Australia?" Jacob questions. 

"Yea, but like majority are like seasonal. And besides if you don't do anything to them, they won't do anything to you... Sometimes." You finish with a smile.  

"Here's a question, do you guys actually ride a Kangaroo to school?" Tom questions. 

Your mouth opens wide at Tom's question. Did people really think you guys rode Kangaroo's too school?. 

You try to formulate the answer in your head, not wanting your sarcastic side to do anything rude. "Um... No. Kangaroo's... Um... You can't ride them. They can get really aggressive, I mean some are some aren't."

Everyone awaits further explanation, "Wait. Hold up! Have you guys ever seen a Kangaroo? Or like a Koala? Or Platypus?" You say with shock evident on your face. 

"No, those animals are native to Australia," Jacob says. 

"So you have NEVER been to Australia?" you had to say you were surprised.


It was around 10 o'clock in the night. You were in your pyjamas watching Friends, while packing up your suit case in your bedroom of the apartment. When a knock comes at the door.

"Come in..." You semi-yell, tripping over your suitcases. 

Tom ambles in, in his pyjamas and his hair dishevelled. "Hey" he says a ghost of a smile on his face as he helps you up off the floor. 

"Are all Australians this clumsy or is it just you?" He teases, making you blush. You lightly smack the top of his head, "unfortunately, just me." You smile, looking into his eyes. For a moment it's just the both of you, in the room together, staring into each other's eyes. 

You avert your eyes, "So do you need something?" You question before sitting down on your bed. 

"I just thought you would be lonely by yourself, I can go if you want." He says turning around to make his way to the door. 

"No!" You stop him, you had to admit, you were feeling a little lonely. He turns around smiling at you and you feel your heart melt, "Wanna watch friends with me?" You ask.

Suddenly Tom jumps on your bed, making you bounce up and down, "Hey!" You squeal, "Careful there Tom, if you gain anymore weight I might just fall of the bed." You joke. 

Tom puts his hand to his heart feigning hurt. "Did you just call me fat?" He asks wiping a few fake tears.

"Awhhh, it's okay I was just kidding," You say hugging him. 


For the rest of the night it was just you and Tom, trying to stiffle your laughs to not wake anyone up, chucking popcorn and lollies at each other. In a matter of hours, Tom had turned into one of your closest friends. After your sugar high, you both decided to watch Die Hard. But you could feel your eyes closing shut half way into the movie, and unintentionally fell asleep on Tom's shoulder. 


Hushed whispers echoed through your room and you let out a tired groan forcing your eye to open. To see Marisa, Zendaya and Jacob with a camera in their hands. You stare quizzically at them, trying to look through your fatigued eyes. What were they taking a photo off?

Suddenly you feel yourself being dragged to a hard wall, and confusion settles in. What? Before realizing the pair of hands wrapped around your waist. Tom! Of course. You had both fallen asleep while watching Die Hard. 

At the commotion around the room, Tom stirs awake, "Morning," he mutters, still half asleep. You blush and suddenly he realizes he has his arms around you. "s-sorry" he stutters out. 

Suddenly the camera clicks of again, and Tom turns around harshly, but Marisa, Jacob and Zendaya are already running out of the room, "Have fun lovebirds!!" You hear them scream while running off. 

"Sorry about that, I must have just fallen asleep," Tom apologizes. 

You smile, "It's okay, I fell asleep as well, besides you make quite a comfortable pillow Holland."


word count; 1200

okay, so I started watching Lucifer and i'm on season2 but I want to finish season 4 by the end of the holidays but I LEGIT HAVENT STARTED MY SCHOOL HOMEWORK AND FRICKEN GERMAN!!! **MIDLIFE CRISIS



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