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Fear. Hurt. Pain. 

Today was the fifth time that Peter had ditched our plans and forgotten to tell you. You had both spent so much time and effort planning the one date, that he promised he could make. 

Peter was your best friend. Your boyfriend. And your soul mate. You loved Peter so much. You loved the way he would blush when you caught him staring at you. The little skips he would do when he was excited. The way his hand would slowly hold yours when you guys walked down the halls. The way he would bite his lips when he was deep in concentration. You loved Peter so much. You loved seeing him happy. Even if he was at his happiest when he was being Spider-man, instead of with you. 

But through the 12 years you had known Peter Parker, he had been through so much. With his parents. Uncle Ben. Mr. Stark. Pete had been through so much. His heart had been shredded and glued back together slowly and painfully so many times. And you didn't want to take that from him.

You unlocked your phone, the brightness of the screen shocking you momentarily, "1:34," Slowly you texted Peter, "Where are you Pete?" Before laying back down, falling into a deep slumber. 


You held your head low as you bobbed your head to the beat of the music. You were grateful that it was finally the end of they day. All you wanted to do was go home, and stuff your face with the Mint-Choc. chip ice-cream in the freezer. You slowly glided your way through the halls, avoiding the hustle and bustle of the students around you. Putting in your locker combo, you hastily took your books out that you had to do homework for, closing it in the process. 

Your heart jumps out of your chest when you come face to face with Pete. A bright smile gracing his lips at the sight of you.

"Hey Y/N" he says. God, you was so glad he was safe, and not hurt. But he didn't even text you that he was home safe, or that he was fine. But the worst was that he didn't even text you that he couldn't make it. Your jaw stiffens. Averting your eyes from his, you slowly glided past him not even touching him. Not even looking at him. Not giving him a second of your time. As you walked past him, his smile is instantly replaced with a frown. His brows furrow in thought, 'what did I do?

Quickly he jogs after you, catching the eyes of a few students passing by. He places his hand on your shoulder, and you instantly feel like melting into it. To give him a quick kiss. To wrap your arms around him, and embrace him like you did everyday. Out of fear of losing him. It made you realize that he was really there in front of you. That he was safe. But you tell yourself to stay strong. Peter had had you worried sick all night, one to many times. And he had to know the consequences. You kept walking shrugging his arm of your shoulder.

"Whoa... Hey Wait Y/N! What's wrong." You keep your head down, ignoring the curious faces of the other students walking out of the front gates.

You break into a fast walk, but knowing Peter, and his somewhat inhuman abilities you knew he would catch up to you. Suddenly out of no where Peter is in front of you. Your breath hitches. You didn't expect him to overtake you that quickly. Peter's hands hold you in place.

"What's wrong Y/N? You can tell me anything you know?" he says. His voice is soft, and for a moment you almost regret being angry at him. Key word: almost. 

You scoff at his words, shaking your head to express your anger and disappointment. "Yea?" you say, although it comes out more like a question. "Like you tell me everything?" Peter's eyes widen and his mouth slightly opens. After years of being your friends and a few months of being your boyfriend, he had never seen you angry, well not at him. 

"What?" he questions with shock. 

"Ughh..." Slowly you were becoming more and more exasperated. Like a stick of dynamite about to explode. "You don't even known what you did wrong Peter! God! For someone so smart, you are so fucking shallow!" 

"What are you talking about?" Peter questions you, his voice a bit deeper, his Adams apple bobbing up and down. 

"For fucks sake, any normal person would text someone if they can't make something you know Peter! Any normal person would at least text someone if they are running late, or at least call to tell their girl friend their fucking safe. For fucks sake Peter, you don't know how many times I have stayed up all night, worrying about you!" You shout at his face. That was it you had finally exploded. And you couldn't stop. "Do you really not think about what i'm feeling when your out every night, being some... some reckless Vigilante!" 

You suddenly realized what you had just said. You hands instantly covering your mouth. You didn't think Spider-man, your own boyfriend was a reckless Vigilante. You adored Peter and Spider-man. You loved what he did. You loved seeing him in his well fitted red suit. You loved the rare occasion where he would take you around Queens, swinging through the buildings. 

You suddenly saw Peter's jaw tick. "Well i'm sorry but this "reckless Vigilante" is the one who's keeping Queens safe. And I am sorry that I can't text you every second of my day. Telling you when I am eating, what I am eating. What time I am going to bed. But I never realized you were so clingy and needy. Gosh your like a toddler! Do you really need to have my attention all day? If I had realized, I would never had asked you out. God! I don't have the time to baby you, Queens needs Spider-man. And if you can't deal with not having my attention, then maybe we are meant to be! It's not like I want to be with someone so needy and clingy anyway."

Tears stream down your cheeks at Peters words. Your were shrinking away from him. Peter had ever yelled at you. Gosh Peter had never yelled at anyone. And there he stood right in front of you. You couldn't stop the tears sliding down your cheek at his words. They were like a stab to the hurt. 

"Then leave for fucks sake!" You shout at him, shoving his chest, and surprisingly he stumble back a bit. "I'm sorry if I was worried about you. Worried that one day the person I love would be found dead! Worried that you would never return to me! I'm sorry if I was being fucking "clingy" or "needy!" And most of all I am sorry that I ever loved you. Because, quite obviously, for you, you need someone better. Someone who wont stay up crying all night because she's worried about you. So leave! Because I hate you!" You say, before turning around and running out of  the park. 



Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What had I done? Gosh I just lost one of the few good things in my life. Gosh I just lost Y/N. My best-friend. My girlfriend. My soul mate. All because I let my stupid anger cloud my mind. 

She hates me now. I had just lost a 12 year friendship, in no less than 10 minutes. I quickly shut the apartment door, falling to the floor. My chest heaving up and down, as sob after sob escapes me. I wipe my eyes, that are now probably red and swollen. When I feel a hand on my shoulder, and look up. May. She crouches down, her hands wrapping around me in a hug.

"May..." another sob. "I said somethings, I sad some bad things. And I lost her May! She hates me!" May slowly shushes me, her hand rubbing my back. 

"Shhhh... It's okay Peter. You and Y/N had something special. And whatever you said, I know she'll forgive you." 

"No but I said some horrible things... May... And I wasn't even thinking and I made her cry." One after another gut wrenching sobs fill the apartment. 

"Just talk to her Pete, she'll forgive you ok?"


word count- 1410 part 2 coming soon

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now