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That was it. The final blow. Peter has already lost so much in his life. His parents. Uncle Ben. Mr. Stark, and losing May, that was it. He had lost so much. He had lost everything...

You and May were everything for him. But losing May, losing May was something the both of you knew he would have so much trouble recovering from. She and Ben were practically his mum and dad after they both passed away. The ones who consoled him after he was bullied, the same one who made him dinner every day and helped him with his homework. And then Ben died. And all he had was you and May. And now she was gone. His heart was broken and stitched together slowly and painfully so many times. But this time, there was no going back...

That was a year ago. And the Peter you once new was long gone. Replaced by a boy that you had never thought he could become. Wearing leather jackets to school, sleeping with all the girls, and becoming a bully. Although, he never picked on MJ, Ned and you. He loved you too much for that. And he had already hurt you so much by leaving him, he just couldn't deal with seeing the pain on your face.

Slowly you, MJ and Ned drifted apart from Peter. Well, technically he left you. Left you for the populars that one day wanted him and liked him. Even Flash, the same Flash who at one point bullied Peter so much, that you had to stay up all night while he cried into your lap. Begging to be the boy who wasn't an orphan. 

Peter has become the bad boy. The bad boy who bullied people, hurt people, broke the hearts of dozens of girls, and it hurt you. To see your best friend, the boy who you started crushing on change and form into this. You stayed up all night some nights after May's death, waiting, staring at your phone for Peter to call. Saying he needed your help. That he needed you. But he never did. And slowly slowly Peter left you, MJ and Ned, left you both to wander what you had done wrong?

You knew that May's death was going to change Peter. That it would hit him like a truck, but what you never expected was that he would let his personal life impact Spider-man. After May's death Spider-man went missing for a fortnight. Never seen swinging through the city in the depth of the night, never appearing at your bedroom window when he was hurt.

But slowly things started happening around the city. Banks started being robbed, people were brutally beat up and had their personal items stolen. Homes broken into, possessions stolen and the whole place thrashed.

The once quiet and peaceful streets of queens had molded into a crime scene. People feared walking around alone by themselves even in the daylight, often walking in groups. By 6 pm, the streets were like a desert. Barely anyone was out and about. All, residing to the safety of their apartment, windows and doors locked, but even that could not stop it. Nothing could stop him, nothing could stop Spider-man. No, nothing could stop Peter Parker.

Peter had changed. Spider-man has changed. And slowly the world around you was crumbling. You missed him, your best friend, your crush. You missed Peter Parker. You missed his cute smile. You missed his dorky jokes. You missed the way he made your heart flutter when he looked at you. You missed the way he had made you feel special...

You sat there on the cold cafeteria tables, Ned in front of you and MJ to your right. You slowly played with the strawberry yogurt in front of you, occasionally laughing while Ned and MJ were arguing about the best Britney Spears song.

Moments like this were rare. Ever since Peter changed, it felt like there was a gap in the group. Peter was the one thing that balanced you all out and now he was gone...

Suddenly the whole cafeteria quietened down. Instantly your head perked up as he walked in. He was in the front. Jocks and cheerleaders surrounding him, even Flash.

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now