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You sat down on the comfortable plain seat. From the open window, you could see onto the tarmac below you. You let out a smile. You had never been overseas before, not even with your family, well your dad. And there you sat. On a plane, with Peter Parker, your best friend next to you. 

You had only known Peter Parker for 2 and a half years. But over that short time period, Pete, had become your best friend and as much as you hated to admit it your crush. You loved everything about him. From the way he would bite his lip when he was concentrating, all the stupid science pick up lines he used, his dorky smile. Boy was it was wrong for you to like him. It was so wrong. Especially, when you were being a double agent. 

You knew Pete was Spider-man, long before he told you. After all you dad was Quentin Beck. A former employee of Tony Stark. But years ago, his admiration for the billionaire and play boy, morphed into something else. Hatred. Loathing. After all, Tony did take credit not for your dads, but for your genius. 

You were smart for a 14 year old. Especially when it came to technology. With your brilliance in Math and Science, you managed to engineer one of the most complex holographic systems to date. And your loving father, Quentin Beck, was proud. No, proud would have been an understatement. He spent days informing everyone about his genius of a little girl, who was practically gifted. But upon informing Tony Stark about your masterpiece, he was filled with hatred, after he took the credit for your invention. 

He knew about the Edith glasses, and with the help of other colleagues, he found out that Stark was going to entrust the fate of the world in the hands of a 14 year old boy. Peter Parker. At first, you thought about manipulating him. Faking your feelings, to get close to him. And when he wasn't expecting it, knock him down like a domino. After all, he was just a boy without parents, who hid in the shadows at school. But not even a month after knowing Pete, you started falling for him. How he had memorized half of the periodic table, how he could do calculations in his head. You just loved Peter Parker. 

Slowly you felt the plane start to move, and you felt your heart beat plummet. Sure you were could at mechanics, and could a small motor together. Or improve a car engine. But you never realized how different this was. Everything you built had been smaller than a house. A small sea plane, a buggy. But this... This massive plane, that looked the size of a football field. Who knew what could happen. One miscommunication, one wrong algorithm and it could all fall down. Literally. 

Suddenly the plane lurched forward. The speed, sending you back into your seat. When you felt it. Warmth on your hand as the plane lurched forward. Your eyes widened as you realized Peter was holding your hand. Instinctively, your head turned to your side, as you looked at him questionably. You could see a ghost of a smile gracing his lips, and faint blotches of pink on his cheek. You wanted to ask him, why he was holding you hand, but you enjoyed it. Having a hand wrapped around yours. Having the warmth of someones hand against your very own. It was a foreign feeling. Something you weren't used to. It didn't make you feel alone,  and it made you feel safe. Like Peter was your guardian angel, protecting you from danger. And so you didn't make anything of it...

The hours went by with you and Peter watching all the comedy and sad movies you could find. You were either stuffing your face with all the snacks you had managed to hoard on board. Or hiding your face behind your heads as some demonic spirit popped out of nowhere. It was enjoyable. You enjoyed being around Peter. Being around his sweet smile and laugh. There was nowhere else you would rather be.

"You know, I am so glad about this trip." He mumbled. 

You looked up at him. "After everything that happened," his voice cracks a bit, and you see his eyes well with tears. "With Mr. Stark, this is like a break, you know? From being Spider-man... Here i'm just me. I am just Peter Parker." He whispers turning his head to look at you, and you can see all the pain his been through. All the sadness and misery in him. He looked so fragile, it hurt you. Not just seeing him in pain, but because you knew what was coming. And you couldn't tell him anything about it. Because family always comes first. 

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now