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"I'm so sorry, I was just so caught in the moment," Brad apologizes.

You shake your head "No, don't be, I did the same," you say smiling to yourself. You look around the library hoping no one saw that, but your eyes land on a very familiar pair of chocolate brown eyes.


You stared in shock, your lips open wide as you stare into Peter's eyes. Your moment with Brad long forgotten as Peter's teary eyes stab guilt through your heart.  You could see Peter clench his jaw and fist before shaking his head and turning around to walk away. 

Your eyes widened as you quickly got up Brad staring quizzically up at you, but before he could ask you anything you had ran off. You were never the athletic type, but as you ran after Peter you ran like you had never ran before. Your legs were aching, your chest heaving up and down as you sprinted down the halls. People were giving you weird looks as if you were some crazy person. 

But you came to a dead end. And you felt like you had been played. Peter had superpowers. Of course he could easily replace you. You gulped fighting back the tears threatening to spill out. You were so stupid! How could you have let this happen? You were in love with Peter even if he neglected you. You had loved him your whole life. And you had just kissed Brad! You had just cheated on your boyfriend! You had just cheated on Peter...


Lunch had just finished and you slowly ambled out of the girls toilet were you had resided in for the rest of lunch. You stared in the mirror as you gently washed your face, trying desperately to make it look like you hadn't cried. But the more you tried the worse it got. You eyes were blood red, and your usually pale skin was not blotchy and your nose was runny. 

You silently prayed to avoid eye contact as you nervously shuffled to class, keeping your head down. But within a matter of seconds you walked into someones back. You slowly took a few steps, mumbling out apologizing, but you felt lilke you had been punched in the stomach when you came face-to-face with Ned and MJ. 

You gulped as you stared at their faces. Ned had a look of anger and betrayal etched in his skin, and MJ, who always had a stoic face even showed slight disappointment on her face. You tried to walk past them into the classroom, but Ned stopped you by stepping in front of you. 

You silently looked him in the eyes pleading him to me, to scared to open your mouth afraid that the only sound you could make would be a sob. 

"What the hell Y/N? Why would you do that? How could you do that to Peter! His heartbroken. You know I am so disappointed I never expected this from you..." You half wished he would have yelled, but Ned whispered it out, his voice laced with pain, and that was what made it ten times worse. 

You felt a tear slip past the corner of your eye and you hastily wiped it away, before glancing up at MJ. You slowly moved past them and into your Math class.


Fifth period had just finished and you only had to get through your last period. You could steal feel a heavy weight in your chest as you walked to you Health class. You were worried, you always sat down next to MJ in this class. No one else was in this class. But who were you going to sit with now? Mj and Ned did not want to sit with you. 

As you went and sat down on your chair waiting for the teacher to enter. You slowly opened your text book reading a random page to get your mind of things when you felt the chair next to you being pulled. You turned your head in shock to come face-to-face with Brad. You gulped as he smiled sweetly at you.

This was wrong. You couldn't sit with him, you cheated on Peter with him. "Um... Brad I don't think you should sit here." You mumble your voice cracking at the end. 

"What why?" He stared curiously at you. 

You gulped not wanting to blame him for you and Peter breaking up. Were you even broken up? After all, you had kissed him back. "It's just, me and Peter are in a... r-rocky situation right now. And I..." you sigh, "I just really need some time to think." You smile softly yet sadly at him. 

Brad gives you a soft smile, "Sure, but if you need anything you can always talk to me..." He says before making his way to the back of the classroom. 

You let out the air you didn't know you were holding, as he walks away, turning to your book once again, when you feel the chair being scraped again. You turned your head slowly, to see MJ, sitting down next to you. Staring at you quizzically, like she was looking deep into your mind. 

You ignore her, burying yourself deeper in your book, when you hear her ask you a question. 

"Why did you do it?" She whispers to you.

You clench your jaw, begging yourself not to cry. "I don't know..." You mumble your voice coming out scratchy. 

"That's not an answer." MJ says bluntly. 

You feel yourself sigh, you look up at MJ, tears in your eyes and this time you weren't afraid to show them, "I... I didn't mean for it too happen. Peter was amazing. He is everything I ever wanted. He is the only person I have ever l-loved. And I get it, I love him and all, but I felt... I felt like he didn't love me anymore." You let out a muffled sob, and MJ wraps one of her arms around your shoulder. "He has been cancelling dates, we barely talk anymore. His always bust being spider-man or doing other things, and I get it his a Super-hero, and he has his own responsibilities, but if he doesn't love me, he should have just told me, instead of leaving me in the dust, if anything, I just feel neglected right now." You whisper out, your voice croaky as you hold yourself from crying in front of the class. 

"Oh Y/N, I get it... But I really feel like you should talk to him..."

And you knew MJ was right. 


You slowly ambled your way up to Peter's apartment, your heart was thumping in your chest. As you knocked on the door. You mouth felt like sandpaper as you waited for the door to open. You had been waiting for over 5 minutes and were debating walking away when the door opened. And you came face to face with a very distraught looking May...





PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now