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Peter and you were happy. You were both best friends since childhood, which throughout your late teens morphed into something greater than friendship. Love. The both of you had your tough times, but through it all you had fought through them. And there you were now. 6 months pregnant. With a baby boy.

Peter was beyond ecstatic when you told him the news, it was the happiest you had ever seen him, and you knew the both of you were ready t take on the responsibility of parenthood. The weeks went by, with the both of you shopping. For furniture, accessories, clothes (for both you and the baby), and before you knew it it became routine. The both of you would lay awake nights, after he came back from his patrols, talking about how amazing your baby was going to be. How he would have Pete's large chocolate eyes, yet your breathtaking smile.

You even agreed to name him Benjamin, Benji for short. As memory of Pete's uncle, the both of you knew that May was going to love it. The days that passed turned to weeks, the weeks to months, and throughout all the happiness that this baby was bringing, there was one question that always lingered at the back of your mind.

What if Peter got hurt? What if something happened to him? What if he died? You couldn't imagine raising yours and Peter's child by yourself. You just couldn't imagine living without Peter.

But he was always there to assure you, that Peter Parker, your best friend, your lover, was not going any where.


It was midday, Peter, was at work at the Daily Bugle, while you were on maternity leave. You had decided to leave your home. Needing a breather, some fresh air, an escape. You slipped on a yellow Summer dress, that you knew Peter loved and let your hair flow behind you, as you headed over to the park. The Park, where you and Peter always went to as kids, the Park close to where Peter worked.

You sat there, enjoying the presence of the sun kissing your skin, the sound of the trees whistling in the soft summer breeze. You could feel everything. From the laughs of the toddlers playing in the playground, the sound of mothers gently cooing to their children, the laughs echoing through the air.

That was going to be your life one day soon. When your baby boy was born. You, Peter and Benji, that was how it was going to be. And you couldn't wait. To have to wake up in the middle of the night to him crying, feeding him, changing his diaper, his first day of school, learning, all the primary school assemblies, graduation, high school, his teen years. You couldn't wait for the future, that was so close yet so far...

After around an hour, you decided to head back home. Walking past the small stores on the side walk.

"Ahhh! Y/N! My old friend" You heard Mr. Delmar's now croaky old voice say.

A smile graces your lips as you turn around to see him. You and Peter had known Mr. Delmar for years. Since grade 7, when the both of you started walking home together. "Mr. Delmar! How are you! I haven't seen you in a while." You say and just like that you were talking about everything with the old man.

About Peter, about the baby, about your life, about his life, just before you left he handed you a sand which, "for old-times sake!" He says smiling graciously at you. "Besides, someone needs to make sure you eat enough for yourself and the baby."

You hug him, embrace his warmth, "Thank you Mr. Delmar! I'll be back soon!" You say before walking around the corner.

Everything was normal as you walked home, the birds were chirping, the sky was bright and clear, everything and everyone was at peace. Before screams echoed through the shop to your right. Your eyes widened, you were so close to the screams, as people rushed out of the door, You went to help, helping anyone coming out the door, giving them a gentle push, when you see him.

A masked guy, wearing all black. The only colour were from his eyes, which were a bright shade of emerald green. Your yes widened as he raised the gun, and you felt a lump in your throat, turning around, you tried to run for it. As the sound of three shots ran through the air. And an immense pain filled your sides.

You fell to the floor, the exposed skin of your arm, grazing against the concrete making them bleed. A guttural groan escapes your mouth, as the metallic taste of blood consumes you. Tears brim your eyes, as your hands go to your stomach. When you feel it, the warm wet feeling of blood coming out of your body. The crimson red colour, drenching your bright yellow sundress.

A sob emitted you, you refused to scream, as any slight movement, set searing jolts of pain around your body. People gathered around you, and you could hear the very distant sound of an ambulance. "The b-baby." You stutter out.

An old lady crouches down on the floor next to you, taking your hand. She smiles down at you trying to assure you it was going to be okay, but you could tell through her eyes, and the way her smile faltered that you were as good as dead. She lovingly stroked your cheek. "Shhh. You'll be okay, your a fighter, aren't you. Everything is going to be ok, the baby will be fine, and you and your husband will be fine."

You let out a pained shriek at the thought of Peter. If you died he was going to be alone, without you or the baby. When you hear it, Peter, calling... screaming for you.

You tilt your head slightly to the right, to see people making way for Peter. He runs to you crouching to you, grasping your hand like he was never going to be able to do it again, which you knew he wouldn't.

At this rate, tears are already sliding down his face, "Y/N" he sobs out, he chokes on his breath. "You're, y-you're going to be okay." He says, trying to sound confident, trying to keep a straight face for you. His hand, covers the two bullet wound that had pierced your skin, trying to stop the bleeding.

"The ambulance is on the way, you're going to be f-fine, t-they will patch you up, and we're going to be fine, Babygirl. N-nothings going to happen. We're going to grow old together, we're going to see Benji grow up, don't you remember, all those planes that we-"

You cut him short, your ears were ringing, and your sight was beginning to haze, and you knew your time was running out. Your hand makes its way to his cheeks, making him sob more, as he grasps your small, fragile and bloody hand with the two of his face. "Peter, I am so sorry." You sob out. He opens his mouth to speak but you interject him.

"I love you Peter Parker, I have always loved you, and I just want you to know that n-no matter w-what happens, I will love you, and I will always be with you, maybe not p-p-p-physically, but I am here, in your heart." You say, resting one hand on his heart. Painfully, you reach up, placing your chapped lips on his. Savoring the kiss, because you knew it was going to be your last. And just like that, with the feeling of Peter's lips on yours, you slowly drifted away.

Peter started screaming at your unresponsiveness, sobbing, w=while cradling and rocking your body. Peter had so little in his life. His parent both died before he could remember them, then uncle Ben passed away, Tony, and now, now he lost you, and you were his everything, so now he was left with nothing....

word count- 1400


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