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You stared into the mirror, your hand tenderly caressing your stomach. That now, after being 5 months pregnant, was starting to show. 

You were beyond thrilled when you found out you were pregnant. You and your husband, Peter, were wanting to expand your family for a while now. The day you both found out that you were pregnant was probably one of the best days of your life. You and Peter, spent weeks decorating the babies room, and baby-proofing the house. 

And through all the happiness that this baby was bringing you, there was one question that still lingered at the back of your head. What if your husband got injured during his nightly escapades. Or worse. It already pained you enough, to see him come home batted and bruised, but you lived through your pain. Because Peter loved being Spider-man. He loved saving people, and stopping crime in Queens. But you didn't know if you were capable of looking after a baby without Peter Parker beside you. 


You had your fingers tightly crossed, as you bit your lip raw with anticipation. Aunt May, was seated next to you, she was clasping your hand tightly, as you both waited for the test results. Boy or girl? That was the question lingering on both of your minds at the moment. Peter was at work, at the Daily Bugle. He had wanted to come so bad, but you wanted it too be a surprise for him. 

Peter was bragging about how he knew it was going to be a girl. He had always wanted a daughter. A mini-Y/N, running around and giggling was his perfect dream. May and you on the other hand knew it was going to be a boy. Well you didn't know, but you had a gut feeling. He would have Peter's chocolate brown locks, and your E/C. 

As the doctor came in, May and your eyes widened, as your chest heaved up and down.

"Congrats, Mrs. Parker, your having a boy!" He said with a smile. You started squealing as May started jumping up and down. 

"I'm going to have a grandson! I'm going to have a grandson!" She shouted. You smiled. You were finally going to have everything you wanted. A family. 


"Bye May!" You shouted waving out the front door, as May's red car drove off into the distance. You leaned against the door, smiling to yourself. 

"I bet you'll be a mummies boy, won't you? I can't wait to meet you. Mummy and Daddy, love you so much baby boy. You have no idea how excited we are to meet you." You say, whilst massaging your stomach, before proceeding to make dinner, for Peter and yourself. 

It was 5:30, and you had finally finished making dinner and cleaned up. When the doorbell rang. You rushed to it, opening it with a wide smile, thinking it was Peter. But your smile is knocked out of your face, when you see him. Vulture. He looks older, his hair now grey, and wrinkles cover his face. Quickly, you try to slam the door in his face, but his foot jams it. 

You hear him snicker, "Now is that how you greet an old friend?" he questions, before forcing him self inside. 

You can feel your heart thumping in your chest. As you subtlety cover your belly with your robe. You avoid looking at Vulture out of fear. Vulture, was strong, cunning and manipulative. And that made him powerful. 

"So where is Pietro?" He questions you, his voice comes out hoarse. 

"I don't know." You reply bluntly. A look of annoyance covers Toomes' face. 

"I believe him and I need a little talk. After all, I did spend years rotting away in that jail. I just feel like Pietro, needs to be taught a lesson."

"You deserved to rot in that mangy old prison, after everything you did." Toomes smiles maliciously. 

"Oh yea? What makes you say that?" He says approaching you. You are both on head to head, well more like head to shoulder. 

"Is it because you are married to Spidey-boy? You think his always correct?" His voice sends shivers down your back, as you silently plead for Peter to come home. "Oh, and by the way is it a  boy or a girl?" Your eyes widen, as a smirk plays on his face. "Don't act so surprised, I have been watching you and Pietro for months, since you got married to be more specific. I just needed the right time to attack, you know? To really make him feel the pain." You stare up at him quizically. When you feel it. 

A sharp pain in your stomach. Your hands rush to your stomach, when you feel liquid gushing out. You tumble to the floor, as pain consumes you. You look down, at the long blade, that pierced through the tender skin of your stomach. Tears started pouring down your eyes, your baby... What if something happened to him? You gasped for breath as Vulture runs of, telling yourself to calm down, to breathe slowly, and that Peter would be home soon. But before you knew it darkness consumes you.



I rub my swollen eyes as the endless flow of tears come out. I grasp onto Y/N's hand, as sob after sob fills the room. It was all my fault. Because I wasn't there. Because I was Spider-man. Because I loved her. And now, she was hurt, and our baby gone.

I squeeze her hand. "Please Y/N... Baby. You g-got to w-wake up. I can't do this without you. Your going to be fine. We'll be fine it's going to be okay." I say, as I choke. "Please Baby girl, I need you... I'm sorry I let this happen to you. I promise I will never let this happen again. Baby I just need you.



"P-peter..." My voice comes out raspy, from the dehydration as I sit up. Key word; tried. Pain consumes me as I fall back down to a sitting position. Peter runs over too me, his eyes blood shot. 

"Pe-ter, the baby." I start to sob. He embraces me, the faint smell of his cologne still lingers on his body. 

"Shh... It's ok." he mumbles into my chest.

"Peter we lost the baby." I cry looking into his now teary orbs. 

"I know baby, I know, it's not your fault, it's mine" he cries out.

"No baby it's not," you sob out. "But we can always try agian,"

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now