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You had started noticing the little changes in Peter slowly at first. How he would zone out in Maths class, zone out when you were talking, forgot about assignments. But you always thought it was just a faze. Something that would ware out over time. But after weeks of seeing this different Peter. You had started to get worried. 

He had changed. He was still the smart Peter, but he started wagging, ignoring teachers, not doing homework, he started failing. His scores lowering with every test. And everyday you and Ned, and sometimes even Aunt May, stood by him. Trying to help him from whatever dilemma he was facing. Was it something to do with Spider-man? Or what happened with Tony Stark? Or was it something else? But nonetheless, you were all always trying to talk him into being the old Peter. But it never worked, and as the days passed by, Peter was becoming less and less like himself. 

 It pained you, to see the boy you loved change. To see him morph into something you didn't like. Peter was your best friend, and the love of your life. The both of you were always close, seeing as you broth practically grew up and did everything together. 

Your first day of school, Peter was the one you walked through the corridors with your warm hand enclosed in his. Your first day of High School, again it was you and Peter walking down the halls, only this time he was cracking cheesy chemistry puns, to get your mind of the nerves. But that close bond you had with Peter, was slowly starting to drift apart...


It was Friday afternoon, the school bell had rung at 3:10, and you had found yourself in the Park alone. You and Peter were often at the park after school. It was important for the both of you. You had both grown up playing on the playground, climbing trees, running after the sound of the ice-cream tracks, and having deep conversations on the benches, till the sky became streaks of orange and red. Yet, here you were all alone, grimacing at the thoughts of losing him...


You knocked on May's apartment door. You had decided to talk to Peter, to try get him to open up to you. May opened the door, embracing you in a tight hug. May loved you like a daughter, and too you, she was like a mother. 

"Y/N!!! Come inside I have some meatloaf in the oven, it will be ready for a tick," she said before walking of, "Oh, and Peter's in his room!" She shouts from the kitchen. 

You knock on Peter's door, pushing it open when he gives a small "come in."

He gives you a light smile when you come in, but it turns into more of a grimace. You gently flop down on his bed, embracing the quiet as he works away on his suit. 

You stare at him. From the soft brown curls on his head, to the scattered freckles that could only be seen with light, wandering, what could possible be going on in his head? He turns his head to look at you, probably from his Spidey-sense, "Yes...?" He questions.

You instantly look away, blushing, trying to play off that you were not look at him. "N-nothing." You stutter. He lets out a small chuckle, and you almost felt like he was back to normal. 

"Actually, Pete... I need to ask you something?" You whisper out, barely audible. He looks at you with his chocolate brown eyes. "What's wrong?" You say, your voice hoarse. 

"Nothing," he sharply replies, avoiding eye contact, and placing his suit away. 

"Pete, stop lying, i've known you for ten years, I can read you like a book, what's going on?" You question him softly. 

You can see his jaw tense, something he always did when he was lying or hiding something. "I already told you.... Y/N, Nothing!" He says condescendingly, his arms up with exasperation. As he turns away from you. 

You feel a pang in your heart for the way he was talking to you, but you push it aside, this was Peter Parker, your best friend, your crush, and right now he needed you.

"Pete... Please. I know something is wrong. Just tell me, I can help you." You say, a sense of pleading behind your words. Your hand goes to his shoulder, trying to comfort him, but he flinches away at your touch. 

"Y/N! Drop it! Okay, I don't want to talk about it with you." He says coldly, turning around to face you. 

"Peter!" You could feel frustration coming out. "Do you hear yourself? You are fucking falling behind, wagging, you disrespect the teachers Peter. You. Have. Changed. And I am trying to help You. And I mean I get it, you're a superhero, with super human abilities, but that doesn't mean you have to act tough!" You practically scolded him. 

Peter slowly walks up to you. And you feel a sense of fear pick in. You feel yourself shrink back, as he advances towards you. Slowly you start walking backwards, until your back hits the wall. You could see Peter clenching and unclenching his fists, his eyes were not the normal hazel brown colour, instead they were a dark brown. There was a vein popping out on his neck, and over the years he had grown about three inches, making him seem ginormous compared to you. His hands hit the wall either side of your head, and he stares menacingly down at you. It was at this moment that you felt pure fear. Fear of Peter. Peter who could barely hurt a fly, Peter who had never, ever raised his voice at you, but right at that moment you could feel fear consume you. You looked at the floor, not wanting to look at his rageful eyes. 

"Fine, if you're going to be such an annoying bitch about it, I'll tell you what's wrong." He sneers at you. You felt tears well in your eyes, Peter had never been so harsh with you. Well, Peter was never harsh. Full stop. 

"I have lost so many fucking people in my life. My fucking Mum, my fucking dad. And before you knew it, Uncle Ben was dead, and now Mr. Stark!" He says with anger, punching the wall just above your head. You flinch, as you start shaking underneath him, but of course he didn't notice, no Peter was to vexed. 

"Do you know what it's like to lose everyone you love. No do you even know what it's like to lose one person? No you don't, because you're privileged. I have been through so much shit in my fucking life. Trying to impress people, help everyone, and here I am, and I have nothing. Ha Ha Ha, and you know what's funny? My best friend, the girl I love, is being a clingy little bitch, and doesn't understand what personal space is. All she can do is nag and nag and nag, honestly, if I had known you were going to be so annoying and this much of a handful from the beginning, I would never have been friends with you!" He sneers out angrily, his words cutting through your heart like ice.

Slowly, the tears start cascading down, and you hastily wipe them away with your sleeve. You look up at Peter, trying to glare at him, but your tear stained face makes it look pathetic. You shove Peter from in front of you, running out of his room, and out the front door, wiping the tears that were cascading down your eyes. Leaving Aunt May to wander, who was going to eat all the Meatloaf?

Meanwhile, Peter, was inside his room, his chest rising up and down rapidly, as his brain tried to process what had just happened. Tears fell out of his eyes, as he trashed his room. He hated seeing you cry, seeing your bright face with tears falling down them was enough to break them. And that had happened just then. You were crying, and Peter was the reason behind it. Peter had never wanted you to get hurt because of him being Spider-man, but he had never thought he would have been the one the hurt you...

WORDS: 1300

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now