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This was a request by; holland_parker_   💞💞💞

Peter and you weren't always friends. In Primary school, you both were constantly at your throats on who was better, Captain America or Iron Man. But through the years, you learnt to put your differences aside and became best friends. 

The both of you found yourselves hanging out together reading Comics, watching movies and still arguing over Captain America and Iron Man. Soon, through your first year of High School, Ned Leeds joined your little duo, and altogether, you became similar to the three musketeers. 

Through the stress and problems of High School, you found your feelings towards Peter, growing, morphing from one of friendship to love. Whenever you were around him, you could feel butterflies in your stomach. When you caught eyes with him, you couldn't help but look away as your cheeks became tinted with a rosy pink. Whenever, his arm accidentally brushed against yours as you were walking, you felt like you were about to faint. And that was how you realized you had fallen in love with Peter. 

But what you didn't know was that Peter Parker, had also fallen in love with you...

You remember the day Peter told you he loved you like the back of your hand. It was a Summer night. It was hot and humid and nothing could be heard from outside. Everyone was probably too tired to do anything because of the weather. You were on your laptop, trying to finish your Geography assignment that was due the next day, when you heard a knock on your window. 

You knew it was Spider man. You knew it was Peter. No one else had the ability, to knock on a bedroom window that was on the 5th storey. 

"Peter!" You gasp with joy, as the boy in his Spider man suit came inside. He took of his mask enveloping you in a hug. You awkwardly hugged him back, wondering where the burst of affection came from. But you pushed it aside, as Peter jumped onto your bed. 

"Ewww," you tease, "Peter you stink you're going to make my sheets smell." You giggled out. 

Peter glared at you playfully before webbing your hands together and jumping in front of you, bringing his armpit to your face, "Oh yea? Wanna smell?" He laughs. 

You squeal, trying to move away from Peter, however, due to the lack of balance from your hands you find yourself toppling. Peter instantly reaches down to grab you, and you find yourself hovering just centimetres from the floor. 

"Peter... You dumb bum." You tease, as he lifts you up and places you on your bed, and stands in front of you. His gaze never leaves your face, and his lips are in a small smile. You suddenly start to feel insecure under the scrutiny of your Peter Parker. Your crush.

*cough* *cough*

Peter keeps staring, still in his own world.

"Pete... Is there something on my face?" You question, wondering why he was so dazed.

"Hmm..." He drones on. "Oh! Oh! No! It's just beaut- I mean. Um! Actually there's something I need to talk to you about." He changes the subject quickly and his voice becomes quieter towards the end. But you still couldn't help the blush spreading on your cheek. Did Peter really think you were beautiful? 

"Ok... You know how we have been friends for a long time?" He questions before droning off once again. 

"Pete. Are you okay?" You could feel yourself becoming worried at his nervous behaviour. Peter was never the one to be nervous. Well not around you anyway. 

"No everything's fine Y/N. Wait! No! Okay. I think I like you Y/N, like more than friends. And I know this isn't meant to happen between friends, but Y/N, you're the reason I get out of bed every morning, just so I can see you smile, and hear you laugh. And god I know this is so cheesy, but I don't know what I would do without you. And you don't need to say anything and I know you probably don't feel the same, but I just needed to tell you, just so I know I have a-"

PETER PARKER/TOM HOLLAND IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now